I work in Midtown. I don't know what the OP is talking about. Stats show NYC has among the lowest if not the lowest crime rate of any major city in the US. In a city this big you can come up with anecdotal stories of crime here and there, but they do not tell the big picture story. What I don't like about NYC is the crowding, too many young people walking in the street not watching where they are going because their eyes are glued to their Iphones, So I live in the suburbs. While expensive, some of the NYC suburbs are among the nicest places to live anywhere. Except for the weather. I have come to hate the winters here. The last two have been brutal. But that's true of the whole Northeast and upper Midwest.
I also don't understand how referencing specific groups of Hasidic Jews should properly be termed "the Jews". Sounds anti-Semitic to me.
It's similar to some attitudes regarding travel to countries outside of the US. Because a tourist got mugged and stabbed in a back alley in Cancun, some want to claim I shouldn't go to Cancun. Like I should stay home and get mugged and stabbed in Manhattan instead? Shit's gonna happen no matter where you go....don't put yourself in a vulnerable situation. I've walked from midtown to The Bronx with my family of four without concern by taking the appropriate route.
Also, OP is referring to NYC...Not Manhattan. Bronx and Brooklyn have had crimes rise. Didn't you see in the news that 19 people were shot over the weekend in Brooklyn?
http://nypost.com/2015/08/06/worst-quality-of-life-in-years-new-yorkers-in-new-poll/ Quality of life in NYC is at its worst in years: New Yorkers New Yorkers believe quality of life in the Big Apple is rotting at the core, a new poll revealed Thursday. Only 33 percent of Gotham residents said life here is “very good” or “good,” the lowest number Quinnipiac University has measured since it first polled on the topic in 1997. As exposed by The Post, quality of life has gotten worse in just the past few years, according to 49 percent of respondents. Just 19 percent said it’s gotten better and 32 percent believe it’s the same. Mayor Bill de Blasio’s handling of crime got dismal reviews. Just 40 percent approved and 52 percent did not. The poll found that 46 percent of New Yorkers believe crime is a “very serious” problem — and 44 percent said it’s “somewhat serious.” Just 8 percent said “not very serious.” Those are the lowest numbers in that category since May 2008. “The quality of life in New York City isn’t good and it’s getting worse, many voters think,” said Maurice Carroll, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll. A key indicator appears to be New York City’s homeless explosion, with 53 percent of respondents saying they’ve seen more vagrants on the streets now than in recent years. The Post has been a leading voice on the homeless issue, but “It’s not just newspaper hype about the return of the bad old days, New Yorkers say,” according to Carroll. “Many are seeing more homeless people on the streets and encountering more panhandlers.”
More like the Post has been a leading critic of deBlasio. Polls on opinions are hardly proof of crime actually incresing by any significant amount.
Rush hour subway ride is worse then it was 5 years ago. There is crowding problem. I know they are building those high rises all around Hell's Kitchen and Hudson River. I don't know where or how all those ppl are going to fit though ..?
I just read (two weeks old) that a homeless women was raped outside of Trump Tower. Well, that's new.
Ill say one last thing and will remind many again I wasn't even thought of when nyc was at its worst. But from last weeks homeless people all over tribeca, to drug deals and urinating outside and sleeping outside of a nyc college in Manhattan (forgot the name), to the homeless women urinating on a tree and getting raped outside trump towers, central park crime increase, seeing a shit load of homeless people (mostly white) sleeping on park ave near that park (not central. Some other park that escapes me), it's as if the media is doing a damn good job at increasing fear or the Mayor is really f'ing up here.
The hell? By 'not thinking of me' I mean before I was born.. NYC is believed to have been at its worst in the late 70s through the 80s.
It is what many believed that time period of nyc was the worst. And um, I'm getting the sense you're on your period.
Who are these nebulous "many" with this belief or are you just making this up out of your very limited perspective? New York City has been around for almost four hundred years and you really believe its worst times were only forty years ago? Have you ever heard of "The Gangs of New York"? That's a book - read it. Ever heard what went on in the 1800's? How about when Tammany Hall ruled the city? What about the mobs during Prohibition? Ever heard about West Side Story? It was based on fact about a period of teenage and young adult gangs with knives and zipguns terrorizing the people in the 1950's. Do the names Gambino, Profaci, Gallo or even Gotti mean anything to you? Did you ever see any of the Godfather movies? they were fiction, but fiction that strayed not far from the truth. Go find out what you're talking about or just admit you have no idea what you're talking about, Sonny.