I didn't see the kid's table earlier debate. I did read about it and supposedly Fiorina won it. But I read what she said and the points she made. And it was the same gibberish as Ted Cruz. I didn't hear Lindsay Graham who in my opinion is the best of the Repub candidates and someone who could work with Congress. But he's been talking like a politician lately, too.
lindsay graham? what the hell. is this like your liberal attempt to talk up the worst candidate in futile hope that the GOP nominates him? fiorina was impressive
What I liked about Graham was that he didn't shoot down the Iran deal before he read it. At least he read it first before shooting it down. And he can work with the Dems even though a Conservative. He has tremendous knowledge on defense and even though a hawk he's a responsible person (I think). He is 100x more qualified to be Pres than Fiorina. All she does is talk in generalities. This guy knows what he's doing. And was very impressive after the Charleston killings. I think he's your best candidate and better than most of the Dems.
even people in South Carolina who stupidly reelect Lindsay Graham to represent them think he's a terrible option for the presidency dude
Lindsay Graham is best friends with McCain and Joe Biden. Unlike Hildabeast who went to Trump's wedding after he gave them a ton of money. Which Trump said last night they used for private jets.
You're wasting your time BN. This lightweight troll's m.o. is to borrow and parrot the talking points of others with absolutely no sense of political nuance.....the same person who parroted the opinions of the "draft experts" in the draft forums with nary any first hand knowledge of his own or any first hand research of a prospect.....just parroting.
well in case you guys were wondering what junc has been up to the past few weeks. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news...-Debates/f8ff3a80-fadf-417e-8152-eb3cf78a361f
Dude... Graham wanted to arm ISIS before they were ISIS. He wanted to give weapons to the people trying to bring down Assad. Enough said
he was one of the first to suggest it.. along with mccain. unfortunately sec. of state Clinton heeded their advice
There was a lot of confusion during that stage of the Syrian civil war as to what side you could trust. And which supposed moderates were really not terrorists. I don't know specifically about Graham and which side he wanted to arm. Obama took a hit for not arming groups who some of his advisers wanted him to arm. Although only a few people are screaming bloody murder because I said Graham was one of the better Repub candidates and I still believe that. Even though Graham is a hawk and Conservative on most issues. I'm kind of surprised at the animas towards him. As for Joe I'm kind of getting tired of his personal attacks. I'm not replying to name calling period.