What you're seeing is the result of the lack of real leadership timbre in these "candidates". The folks most qualified to run this country probably don't want the job. The scrutiny your life and your family gets put thru for $400K per just doesn't seem worth it. Not to mention the aging process seems to accelerate two fold during your years in office. Not sure if that's because of all the microwaves beamed into the WH or the pure stress of being POTUS or some tragic combination of both. When Election Day 2016 arrives, we all get to simply hold our noses, vote for the cream of the crap and pray they don't fuck things up worse than they already are.
If you're going to shoot a corny video about machine gun bacon you might want to actually use a machine gun.
The same Conservative talking points with little distinction: God, defense, delete Obamacare (no specifics on what to replace it with: probably nothing), no abortion, look at me: I am different than the rest. Trying to shoot in as much as they could and promote themselves in just a few minutes. The guy who I thought looked the best was Kasich. At least he was able to say a few things that he's done that are outside the box for the Repubs: support the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage and not pull Medicaid funding in his state for Obamacare. He knows this will put him on the enemies list of the Tea Party. I don't think that Trump screwed up he was just his ornery self. And as George Will said he is offered his public a "fact free" campaign. Rand Paul didn't look good at all. He tried to homogenize his POV which he later said was a different Repub strategy. To me he should just come right out and say what he believes. It would have been a lot more effective. For a smart guy (probably the highest IQ in Congress) Ted Cruz really doesn't deliver anything of substance. Just hyperbole.
If you think Obama can't work with Congress just wait until Ted Cruz if elected. It would be pretty entertaining. And he loves to shut down the gov if he doesn't get his way.
Well here's one thing Cruz said last night. Which was nothing: BAIER: ...email. This comes in the wake of the Director of National Intelligence blaming the Chinese for the largest ever cyber attack, stealing personal data of tens of millions of Americans. Senator Cruz, in your view, have Russia and China committed of cyber war, and if you were president, what would you do about it? CRUZ: Well, Bret, of course they have, and over the last six and a half years we've seen the consequences of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy. Leading from behind is a disaster. We have abandoned and alienated our friends and allies, and our enemies are stronger. Radical Islam is on the rise, Iran's on the verge of acquiring a nuclear weapon, China is waging cyber warfare against America, Russia -- General Soleimani, you just mentioned, the Iranian general is the head of the al Quds forces. He's directly responsible for the murder of over 500 American servicemen in Iraq, and part of this Iranian deal was lifting the international sanctions on General Soleimani. The day General Soleimani flew back from Moscow to Iran was the day we believed that Russia used cyber warfare against the Joint Chiefs. We need a new commander in chief that will stand up to our enemies, and that will have credibility... If you're so great how's about some specifics. Answer the question! http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...06/annotated-transcript-the-aug-6-gop-debate/
Nah... he's a phony. Say what you want about Trump but he has balls, he isn't speaking on political points. He is speaking from his heart on how he really feels. He might be wrong on everything that comes out of his mouth but he isn't looking to appease a base. He is telling it like he thinks it is.
Trump is a Clinton plant. He's here to stir shit up and then run 3rd parts so that way Hildabeast is elected. He's a snake in the grass.
where do we begin? there was his phony filibuster where he claimed he was "forced off" and criticized other republicans for quitting even though he quit himself.. He declined Harry Reids offer to continue his tirade that was vaguely about obamacare for 160 seconds and then about himself for the additional 20+ hours.... there was the time when Rand Paul filibustered against drone warfare. Paul launched thoughtful criticism thoughout. Cruz took the opportunity for notoriety to blabber on for almost 10 hours longer than Paul, mostly about himself again. When it came time to vote though? the phony cruz actually voted FOR the legislation that he supposedly was against in his blabbering mess. he's been all about the presidency and making headlines and making a name for himself since day 1 by being outrageous and phony. very early in his senate tenure he was ridiculous during the hearing to nominate Chuck Hagel. Without any evidence at all he gives Hagel shit about a $200,000 payment he received. "how do we know it didn't come from North Korea? Saudi Arabia?" that was low. fellow republicans think he's a phony. McCain, Lindsey Graham, Charlie Dent, Rand Paul, have all made comments alluding to it he's one of the leading voices that caused the government shutdown and compared republicans who tried to do their public service for once and get the government back to work "nazi appeasers" the guy is an elitist who grew up with oil money and in law school refused to study with anyone not from princeton/harvard/yale, yet he's cooking bacon with a "machine gun" (thats not actually a machine gun) because "that's how we cook bacon in Texas... 'merica!" wearing ostrich-skin cowboy boots, his "argument boots" and lecturing other politicians on very elementary aspects of the constitution, some of whom dedicated their lives to constitutional law, just to provide a sound-byte for the CNNs and Fox News' of the world. he is as phony as it gets.
Pretty much everything he said... the only GOP candidates I think I'd feel comfortable with are Carson although his thoughts that the bible trumps the constitution is straight out of Saudi Arabian rhetoric and Kasich who reminds me a lot of Huntsman so no way he has any shot. He doesn't appeal to the looney toons so he's dead before he even gets started.