There is no way that Hillary or anyone can ban personal ownership of guns. And 1984 is 31 years ago. And no totalitarianism. Except in your dreams. But if you're for no regulations or rules to buy guns and gun safety then you're going to have a fight on your hands. In the courts. I'm a lib but not a Commie. Again the Constitution isn't one sided just for your rights. I'm for sure tired of loose ineffective gun laws that make it possible for mental cases to purchase and own guns.
That is cute how you believe that bullshit. Id rather have 2 more terms of Obama that have that bitch in the White House. She is diabolical. Heck most Dems I know dont even like her, you know its pretty bad when even your own peers despise you. She will do all that she can do to limit the 2nd Amendment as much as possible.
And at least with Obama he comes off as likable and that I can have a beer with him. Hildabeast has none of those qualities other than her horrible shrill voice.
That's your own personal hatred talking. Her husband was Pres for 8 years and there were guns and no Communism. As for the 300 million guns. You start now and try to make it as difficult as possibly for mental cases etc to buy a gun. But I guess you're against any regulation. On anything. Everything is Communism. Let the oil companies do whatever they want and police themselves. And destroy the environment like they've been doing. And let everyone buy a gun with no rules.
Hey Husker, fuck all this arguing. Keep your guns. Just don't shoot me (accidentally or on purpose). Wanna get a beer?
Your beer point is pretty good indicator for last 6 elections (2 Obama, 2 Bush, 2 Clinton) - their opponents: Romney,McCain, Kerry, Gore, Dole, Bush 1 (all are blah)......
maybe the American public needs to stop voting for people who they would like to have a beer with and vote for people who would make good presidents?
I fear we have 2 beyond shitty candidates this election with it being Jeb-Hillary. Can you say "Lowest voter turnout in history"?