Lazy inconsiderate voters have. We don't have a two party system, we just have douchebags with the suffrage. And..FWIW...the only people that consider Trump a serious candidate, are those voters in the media. And Trump? Really? Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, make Donald Trump look like Winston Fucking Churchill.
P.S. Gridlock is the natural order of good government. Government should be slow and measured. DELIBERATE. In two sentences you've managed complete incoherence. Government does too much ... " taking over the most minutest part of your daily life"... and yet does it too slow? "It hasn't provided any mechanism for dealing with gridlock" Beejesus Man, decide what you want from government, before you hit the polling place. Are you a leftist stormtrooper, that wants government to respond willy nilly to the cause celebre du jour, or a knuckle dragging neanderthal that wants to be left the f**k alone. or are you drinking again?
It would be scary if the govt actually got things done fast. The founders made it intentional for the govt to work as slow as possible. because if it ran fast, then that would be the definition of tyranny to the founders.
I signed up once a few years ago and it was only like $25 for the year. Then they harassed the shit out of me every week with phone calls, emails and snail mails asking for more money. I told them to fuck off and never call me again. They basically took the best possible approach to never getting another dime out of me.
Well they stand up for my right to own a gun so I think it's worth it. Especally for when Hillary becomes president in 2016. She will be the single biggest threat to gun ownership in the history of this country.
True. They are giving Trump almost 24/7 coverage. I guess because he's entertaining. If the guy was boring like most of the candidates (like them) he wouldn't be getting a sniff. As for the Constitution. It's not just for some people's rights it's supposed to be for the 300 million. Not a one way street for those who interpret it with a fundamentalist slant. It was written to be amended. Because the founders knew times change. You know like 250 years. Plus the fundamentalists speak in revered terms about the founders like they were gods. Most of them were businessmen interested primarily in their own wealth. And many of them slave owners.
Hillary and nobody has said you and citizens can't own guns. Show me where any lib ever said that. Just better background checks and more coordination and cooperation between entities. So only qualified people (which means most citizens) can buy a gun if they want to. And maybe better safety rules and regulations to protect people like me from getting shot by someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. Guns are deadly weapons not water pistols.
Of coarse it will start out with little BS regulations with that satanic Hildabeast. She will do all she can to make gun ownership as impossible as possible in this country. And commie libs like you and Dirking will just sit back with a smile on your faces, personal rights mean nothing to you guys. Only government control does. Big brother knows best, the individual does not. Only big bloated federal government does.
I love how the same people (dumbass libs) think that it is nearly impossible for us to control the 11 million plus illegal immigrants in this country, but they also at the same time think it is possible to control the 300 million plus guns in this country. Liberal logic will blow your mind sometimes.