They are philanthropists but only under their terms. It isn't about capitalism it's about trying to control legislatures and the US Congress to get everything their way. And make them billions of dollars. Why does the US have to build a pipeline thru our states to ship Canadian oil to other places. As for creating jobs like the Repubs are claiming. That's also misleading. The jobs are short term. When they're building the pipeline. After completion not that many permanent jobs. What about a complete highway bill if you want more jobs. If the Koch Bros wanted it it would go through in a minute. Because when the Koch Bros shout jump the Repubs answer "how high." Here's a little blurb about the Kochs via Bernie Sanders
Horseshit. She cynically showed contempt for NY voters by conducting a look-but-don't-touch "listening tour" and as a result, her candidacy was essentially incubated by a media that went along with it. You even it see it today: staging a "real person" scripted sit down in Iowa while literally roping off the media and racing off in her caravan of black, blacked-out windowed SUVs. What blind, partisan horseshit. There are two Hillary's: 1. the scripted, mono-toned robot with nothing to show in terms of true accomplishment and who erased 30,000 emails before the government had a chance to review them to see if any were classified.. 2. the candidate whose "it's my turn!" hubristic sense of entitlement alone qualifies her for the office. Sadly she'll have the Oval Office handed to her courtesy of the Ovis Aries. edit/on-topic: p.s. Trump's an assclown
Fuck Hillary and Jeb. The last thing this country needs is another career politician pushing us further down the path of tax & spend more (waste) we're on. For the most part both the democrats and republicans all blow fat dicks. They want more sustained power & money for themselves and don't give a flying fuck about the people they repeatedly claim to represent. The fact that people believe one side or the other is actually helping them right now is sad. Bunch of faggots (Hillary included).
If you're talking 2015 you're right. Her campaign has been totally under control and keeping her away from the press and only exposing her to "selected" groups. I guess her think tank wants to protect her so she doesn't make mistakes or is taken out of context by her enemies (you know like the way the Planned Parenthood enemies operated-filming people from long range and then editing the footage to make them look bad). But in 2000 against Rick Lazio she did a lot of campaigning in upstate and did well and won a few Conservative counties.
The first Clinton administration was such a disaster. I can't imagine anyone wanting a replay of all those years of peace and economic growth.
Nothing excites me about Hillary. She is just the 'best' candidate that has a a legitimate chance of winning. Of the Democratic 'competitors,' Biden is the only one that could touch her 'political prestige'. If Biden doesn't run, Hillary wins the Democratic nomination in a landslide; brace yourself. I hope the Hillary team balances out Hillary's Executive power (she is going to need a lot of help). Versus Side show Trump (Racist, Big Business, Tyrant, Tycoon, War Monger, Entertainer), Bush (Am I smarter than my big brother?..surprisingly..maybe not? so,so very quiet) and Christie Cream (I'll have extra sprinkles on my five scoops, you don't support my policies I'll send my goons after you). I heard Trumps golf course is nice lol
Trump is a racist war monger? Wow. Are you basing that on the dishonest liberal media's narratives or something else?
"They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Jon Stewart killed Trump on this You can argue Trump is not a racist, but that statement above was the catalyst for all the abandoning Trump endorsers. The statement alludes racist connotations. ----- Trump is dead set on taking out ISIS. That's fine. We should not be the Nation that has to lead on this though. ISIS poses little threat to the United States, focus on security over leading an offensive. Not to mention prodding Mexico. I don't trust Trump and I think he would be a very bad President. I also don't think he stands a chance in this race and will effectively eliminate any chance for the Republican party, which offers Bush or Christie as 'legitimate' alternatives. The card is going to be Clinton or Biden Versus Trump, Bush or Christie. These are the only legitimate candidates. Clinton 'team' seems the most well equipped
What he said about ILLEGAL immigrants is true, not racist. People don't even know what racist means anymore.
He never uses 'Illegal immigrants' once. He says 'Mexicans'. Anyway, at least 'some' people were offended by it. I think a Trump presidency guarantees war, which we don't have any reason for. Trumps 'diplomatic' strategy is too aggressive for today's world stage.
Trump says to deport people and then bring them back. We're talking about 11 million people. Kind of hard to do that don't you think. What about his illegal immigrant employees. Does this include them, too. And building a trillion dollar fence and have Mexico pay for it. You get the same illogical answers for all questions. Basically, "Don't worry. I'll think of something! And Putin loves me." But he did call out the Koch Bros. And he's the only one. Just because of that you've gotta love him.
After reading this I did a quick google. I see that he was accused of not renting to blacks in 1973 and was sued by the government. The end result was trump had to sign something saying he wouldn't discriminate in renting. During that trial he said that 4% of his renters were black - which was a big difference from the 25% population that was black. Nothing about income levels available. I can't claim to know a lot about that case but if he truly was discriminating then I'd agree he is or at least was racist.
Read the full text. He's quite obviously referring to the border and illegal immigration. Just because some idiots took what the race baiting leftist media fed them and didn't take the time to hear what was actually said, and were offended, doesn't make something racist. If I say fuck you you fucking dick nosed fat fucks to a giant crowd, is that racist because people are offended? I am in no way endorsing a president trump, but he's absolutely right on some things and he's at least not a career politician.
Border control is important. Our southern boarder has been a major illegal immigration problem. Illegal trading of weapons and drugs also seems to run rampant on our southern boarder. It's an issue that has to be addressed.
I agree the liberal media made a big deal about Trump's comments and it was overkill. Of course he blamed the Mexican gov for intentionally sending bad guys to the U.S. with no proof of that. He was just shooting off his mouth as usual. He lost sponsorships and those companies were just afraid of tangling with special interest groups and losing revenue because of that. He said enough things after that to eliminate the racist accusations. The Dreamers groups who are well organized are to me pretty obnoxious and thin skinned. And they are illegal.
The southern border is clearly unsecure. It's a major problem. We all know Mexico has corruption problems. The country has changed for the worse over the last decade + The illegal trade goes back and forth though. We are definitely just a responsible for illegal traffic as Mexico is ("fast and furious'). It should be a mutual effort to curb the illegal activity at our Southern and Mexico's Northern boarder.