This is the one he can't retract and get away with. And that even his supporters who loved his bravado and style won't be able to accept. So if he's still kicking ass in the polls after this I don't know what to tell you.
but is he right? Also McCain sucks. Obama proved he doesnt know shit after owning him in a meeting McCain called to deal with the financial crisis w/e year that was. It was then that Obama showed he can lead and that McCain wouldnt be able to keep up. And then of course you had the mess that was PALIN!
Not sure how long the Trump campaign is going to last. Every day he's embroiled in another battle or has a major guffaw. Today it's the breast pump controversy yesterday the wife rape comments by his lawyer. Also the guy isn't really a good interview, he's often inarticulate. But he did say something today on CNN that I loved and think he means it. While he said that ObamaCare sucks and he would replace it. He then said that we'd be surprised, "I've got a heart." And that he wants to help people without health care. That everybody should have it. Like the Repubs no real specific alternative except a plan he'd like to work out with hospitals. But a lot better than guys in Congress who really don't care.
He either has no idea how to run for office or it's like I said, the whole thing is a giant publicity stunt. No one actually trying to get elected would behave in this manner. Donald Trump leads the GOP presidential field by a significant margin, according to a new Quinnipiac University national poll released Thursday. The poll also indicates that Ohio Gov. John Kasich could ride a post-announcement bump onto the stage for next week’s debate in Cleveland, despite fears that Trump’s wall-to-wall media coverage had overshadowed his late entry into the race. Fully 20 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters said they would vote for Trump if the primary were held today — the largest share any single candidate has received in Quinnipiac’s seven surveys over the past two years. That puts the brash real-estate magnate ahead of the two other candidates who earn double-digit support: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at 13 percent and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 10 percent. It’s a four-way tie for fourth place — with pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio all at 6 percent. Kasich, at 5 percent, is tied for eighth place with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. That’s enough to vault Kasich into the top 10 in POLITICO’s analysis of the most recent live-caller polling of the GOP primary — and potentially onto the dais at the Fox News debate on Aug. 6. Kasich replaces former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who earned just 2 percent of the vote in the Quinnipiac poll and slipped to 11th in the POLITICO average.
Trump is basically winning Repub polls and kicking ass. It shows to me disgust by Repub voters esp in what they see in Congress. There was a poll recently about members of Congress and the question was who does Congress represent: you or the special interests. Overwhelmingly people said special interests. They are sick of it and this Congress's unwillingness to go beyond partisan politics. And the fact that they are more accountable to their benefactors. We see the gridlock in gov.
I wonder if he was to become president would he leave the white house in a rainy or windy day? I cant believe this guy still has a massive comb over.
Like last week in Congress a bunch of Repubs were actually fighting with each other. Ted Cruz called Mitch McConnell a liar, etc. Now some of these guys are trying to outTrump the others. No wonder very little is getting done. They couldn't even agree on a long term highway bill.
Sometimes you just gotta love Donald Trump. He wasn't invited to the Koch Bros. retreat 0ver the weekend and here is what he had to say about it: "I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers," Trump tweeted Sunday. "Puppets?" btw the Koch Bros saying that they're against income inequality is like Tom Brady saying he believes the Commish of the NFL has the right to discipline players.
Funny that the first piece of legislation passed this session of Congress in both the House and Senate (now both with Repub majorites) was the Keystone XL pipeline the biggest project of all time for the Koch Bros. Because they own 2 million acres of tar sands oil producing land in Alberta and could make as much as 100 billion (an over the top estimate but that number has been out there). Boehner etc didn't waste any time. No wonder they're going to spend a billion on this election. Wouldn't it be cool if it were a Bernie vs Trump election with both of them telling the Kochs to go and stuff it.
And therein lies the problem with being so blinded by one party, you lose touch with reality. You say the $100 Billion is on over the top estimate but decide to post it anyway. To hit that number the Koch Bros would have to be the only ones pumping oil through the pipeline, at full capacity for 80 years. They haven't even fully explored all the land to know what they will be able to pump out of them, as of now I think it is reported they have filed a development permit for one site, and when they do start pumping do you think that stops because there is no pipeline? No, it will just be transported another way. All that oil would also mean increased competition which means oil prices go down, those same oil prices that have dropped 25% since that ridiculous $100B figure came out. They also did not calculate the cost to develop the land, infrastructure, taxes, etc. Here is what one site said about the estimate, "But trying to extrapolate their oil-sands leases into a specific profit figure is sheer folly. The authors of the report that tried to do so made so many assumptions and mistakes that experts deemed their analysis "absurd."" On another note, didn't Democrat favorite Hillary accept $100,000 from Trump? Strange that a Dem. would take money from someone she supposedly is so opposite in ideals with. Took $100K from a racist, homophobic blowhard, nice.
Hey he liked Omorosa.....or whatever the hell her name was. Hey he liked Omarosa.....or whatever the hell her name was. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
$100k isn't a hundred bil. It's a ridiculous comparison. The Huffington Post says 100 bil. Forbes said it's BS. Can't believe you're supporting the Koch Bros. The bottom line is their unbelievable power over Congress and State legislatures. In some states Koch sponsored think tanks actually write legislation. They give it to people under their control and all they have to do is introduce the bill. If you're a true Conservative you should be against Keystone. It invokes eminent domain to take over properties they don't own. And the oil isn't even for US consumption. If not 100 bil a lot of money. Billions. Pretty smart to buy up that Alberta acreage.
I can't believe that you somehow got that I was comparing $100B to $100K, especially since I said "On another note". That would tell even the most unintelligent that it was something completely unrelated. I also don't see how me pointing out how utterly ridiculous the numbers your liberal group came up with, is me supporting the Koch Brothers. What I support is voting Americans to use their heads, do their own research and stop looking at their party as is they can do no wrong and the other party as if they are the devil. Every one of your posts involving politics is completely void of someone using their own thought process to determine what is right from what is wrong. For you it simply boils down to Democrat good, Republican bad. That is what they want you to do though and you bought it hook, line and sinker. I guarantee when you vote someone could draw a line straight down the ticket through all the Dems. They told you what websites and newspapers to believe, they told you what news shows you should watch. It is pretty sad what has happened to a large swath of our country, independent thought process is gone. You do realize the Koch Bros. give money to everyone don't you? About $1.4 Million to democrats over a ten year period. And what about George Soros, what makes the millions he donates to the Dems. any different from the money the Koch Bros. donate? There is so much wrong with your post. You say "Pretty smart to buy up that Alberta acreage." as if it was some nefarious plot. They are an oil company, what do you expect them to do, of course they work on lands that may have oil. Well that is besides the fact they did not buy the land, they lease it, which is another cost your group that came up with the ridiculous number failed to calculate into the figure. Your comment about eminent domain, you think Dems. don't invoke eminent domain to take properties? What about the Kelo V New London or The City of Richmond,CA and their plan to invoke it to take properties from lenders and then just give it back to the homeowner at half they previously owed, effectively the lenders lose millions so the gov. can redistribute the wealth. I think President Bush also signed an executive order limiting eminent domain to stop any future cases like Kelo. And you say that if I am a conservative I should be against Keystone. How about you stop trying to label people and think independently? If we could get more of the population to do that it would start making a difference.
I never said the Dems are angels. I just don't think the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation are that bad. As for the 100 billion claim I said it was far out but you just quoted articles you liked that backed your pov. The Kochs like all the super rich give back money when it fits their needs. And they can get a significant tax write off. I don't see perfection on the left but I do see a concern about people. Which I don't see on the right. Like Trump says they are drawn to the money. And the Kochs exert their power and we don't need their benevolence. Because it comes at too high a price.
And there is your problem, you "don't think the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation are that bad", why? Do you not have a problem with foreign donors giving millions? Do you think that Hillary is not influenced by that? You worry about the influence Americans that donate millions might have but Sheikh Mohammed H. Al-Amoudi and his $5 Million to the Clinton Foundation is A-OK. Or Nasser Al-Rashid and his millions. How about Gustavo Cisneros & Venevision, gotta love those Venezuelan businessmen, his millions won't influence Hillary at all. In 2013 they took in over $140 Million and only doled out $9 Million in Aid, Chelsea's friend worked for them for 5 months and got $275,000 and a housing allowance, they spent over $8 million on travel. A slush fund at it's finest. Guess that's why they are on charity watchdogs "Watch List". But they are Democrats so to you they are not that bad. Edit: I just wanted to add, the only thing I quoted was from and their view that the $100 billion figure was absurd. The site has no political leaning that I have ever seen and they just review claims of others and research them to determine if they are true or not. Actually if you ask many they will purport that politfact is left leaning. It was not an article that backed my point of view, it was an independent entity that researched absurd claims. The rest of my post I put together independently from reading multiple sources.