I wonder why notruth4u2 hasn't responded to this yet? An important note from the article, first off this was from within the last year and the pope says, "Pope Francis said he has been told that 2% of the Catholic priests engage in pedophilia, but vowed to do what he can to eradicate the problem within the church, which he compared to leprosy.". So this is a recent article, meaning this is an ongoing problem, "2% of the Catholic priests engage in pedophilia" meaning currently, not years in the past as notruth4u2 has tried to say. There are currently over 8000 pedophile priests and this is after the big push to clear them out, imagine how many there were before.
No you moron-- we "Catholics" do not refer to that as our faith. Followers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints do. You know, Mormons. Holy shit. You can't even find quotes relating to your own religion--you have to find idiocy from other religions. You post shit you've read thinking it sounds scholarly or learned but you continue to come off looking like an idiot. _
What if he was lied to? I know priests aren't supposed to lie (or rape children) but what if his staffers are trying to softpeddle him on the numbers. Maybe it's 4%? 10%? Who knows? _
Wrong again ..... I'm getting tired of correcting your false statements, things you say with no links, just nonsense you make up. "The Pearl of Great Price Faith Formation Homily of the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Paul Dudziak http://www.ststephenmartyrdc.org/node/313 http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/d...of-great-price-eucharistic-congress-2000-209/ http://catholickey.org/2011/07/20/the-pearl-of-great-price/ I don't know why I bother proving you wrong over and over again, because you are clearly a troll who will ignore it all and just keep making up your own personal "truth"
George Carlin, a brilliant academic mind! LOL! You convinced me, I'm sold! So I guess everything we experience in the world came from nothing, or space dust floating around out there. Makes sense. lol, atheism is absurd when you really think about it. That must be why over 95% of the world's population, including most scientists, believe there was an underlying cause for the universe to come into existence, it didn't just "magically" pop into existence out of nothing like the atheists try to claim.
"Planned Parenthood has been caught selling baby parts and the headlines and talk show hosts are screaming with outrage. But not about that. About a guy who shot a lion in Zimbabwe. It turns out that the guy who shot the lion is a dentist. His office is just down the road from my home in the otherwise uneventful suburb of Bloomington, Minnesota. He is now a marked man, a wanted criminal. His business is in shambles, his patients all scattered to other dental clinics across the Twin Cities. Chesterton says that if there is one thing worse than the modern weakening of major morals, it is the modern strengthening of minor morals. This explains why abortion is legal, but smoking a cigar in a public park is illegal. This explains why the modern world is more upset about the killing of one lion than the slaughter of millions of babies. It explains why their veins pop from their necks that a game hunter would stalk a wild animal in order to stuff it as a trophy, but they ignore the systematic dismemberment of live babies extracted from their mother’s wombs so as to save the best parts for resale. It is something of an understatement to say that their major morals are weak and their minor morals are strong, but that is still the essence of it. It happened when we stopped worshipping God and started worshipping Mother Nature. And at the same time that hunting was becoming unpopular and then unacceptable, abortion went from being a crime to being a right. Chesterton says, “Wherever you have animal worship, you will have human sacrifice.” The fallacy of nature worship is revealed in its own inconsistencies as a philosophy. What, after all, could be more unnatural than abortion? Keeping everything in its proper proportion is one of the great tasks of the Catholic Church, especially as the world continues to spin out of balance. Pope Francis, in his recent encyclical, shows that balance very well. He urges us to take care of both our physical environment and our spiritual environment, as both have suffered the degradation that comes from sin." http://www.crisismagazine.com/2015/the-lion-sleeps-tonight
The bit about the elevation of minor morals is actually a very good point, although its a shame you buried it in some predictably stale anti-abortion claptrap. But whatever. Nobody is going to force you or your loved ones to have an abortion. The "pearl of great price" nonsense on the other hand, whew. I'm a confirmed catholic from a very religious family and I've spent more time in church than I care to recall and I've never heard anything like that. The battered syntax alone is enough that I'm sure I'd remember it. I've given you a pretty hard time in this thread, and mostly it's because you've deserved it. Your attitudes and views are really far outside of the Catholic mainstream. And the "pearl of great price" just cements it.
Hahahahaaaaa what an idiot. Are you joking? It's the basic tenant of the Mormon faith. https://www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp?lang=eng ThePearl of Great Price A Selection from the Revelations, Translations, and Narrations of Joseph Smith First Prophet, Seer, and Revelator to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Introduction Moses Abraham Facsimile 1 Facsimile 2 Facsimile 3 Joseph Smith—Matthew Joseph Smith—History Articles of Faith http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Pearl_of_Great_Price Pearl of Great Price The Pearl of Great Price consists of a diverse collection of sacred works that are accepted as scripture by Latter-day Saints. The articlePearl of Great Price: Contents and Publication offers an overview of the individual texts in the collection as well as details about the history of how the documents were brought together and were then received as scripture by Church members. The article titled Pearl of Great Price: Literature briefly treats the variety of literary features that characterize the Pearl of Great Price. Pearl of Great Price: Contents and Publication Author: BALDRIDGE, KENNETH W. One of the four standard works accepted as scripture by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Pearl of Great Price includes various documents known as "Selections from the Book of Moses," "The Book of Abraham," "Joseph Smith-Matthew," "Joseph Smith-History," and "The Articles of Faith." The Book of Moses originally consisted of several revelations given to Joseph Smith as he was revising the Bible under inspiration, beginning in June 1830. In the 1851 edition of the Pearl of Great Price, these excerpts were untitled. The 1878 edition added the titles "Visions of Moses" (chap. 1) and "Writings of Moses" (chaps. 2-8). These revelations were first printed in Church newspapers between 1832 and 1851 (Clark, pp. 9-17). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_of_Great_Price_(Mormonism) Pearl of Great Price (Mormonism) The Pearl of Great Price is part of the canonical standard works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and some other Latter Day Saint denominations. The first paragraph of the Introductory Note in the LDS edition of the Pearl of Great Price states: "The Pearl of Great Price is a selection of choice materials touching many significant aspects of the faith and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These items were produced by Joseph Smith and were published in the Church periodicals of his day." Book of Abraham[edit] The Book of Abraham was canonized in 1880 by the LDS Church as part of the Pearl of Great Price.[2] Thus, it forms a doctrinal foundation for the LDS Church and Mormon fundamentalistdenominations of the Latter Day Saint movement. It is not considered to be a religious text by the Community of Christ. Other sects in the Latter Day Saint movement have various opinions regarding the Book of Abraham, with some rejecting and some accepting the text as inspired scripture. The book contains several doctrines that are distinct to Mormonism, such as the concept of God organizing eternal, pre-existing elements to create the universe instead of creating it ex nihilo. Joseph Smith–Matthew[edit] Main article: Joseph Smith–Matthew Joseph Smith–Matthew (abbreviated JS–M) is an excerpt from Joseph Smith's "retranslation" of portions of the Gospel of Matthew. It was originally published in 1831 in Kirtland, Ohio, in an undated broadsheet as "Extract from the New Translation of the Bible". Joseph Smith–History[edit] Main article: Joseph Smith–History Joseph Smith–History (abbreviated JS–H) is an excerpt from the autobiographical record of some of the early events in Joseph Smith's life. Like many of Smith's publications, it was dictated to a scribe. The incidents described in Joseph Smith–History include the First Vision and the visitation of the angel Moroni. In its current form, it ends with the translation of the Book of Mormon, shortly before the foundation of Smith's Church of Christ, though the original Times and Seasons serial it is based on continued the story until the mid-1830s. Articles of Faith[edit] Main article: Articles of Faith (Latter Day Saints) The Articles of Faith are a creed composed by Joseph Smith as part of an 1842 letter sent to "Long" John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago Democrat, and first published in the Latter Day Saint newspaper Times and Seasons. It is a concise listing of thirteen fundamental doctrines of Mormonism. Most Latter Day Saint denominations view the articles as an authoritative statement of basic theology. For some sects, they are known collectively as "An Epitome of Faith and Doctrine". http://sacred-texts.com/mor/pgp/index.htm Mormon Pearl of Great Price _
I was born and raised Roman Catholic and I've never heard it. Because it's a basic tenant of the Mormon faith. Not Catholicism. _
You've really never heard the phrase "pearl of great price" in connection with our Faith? If I'm not mistaken, Bishop Fulton Sheen used it (recall he had the popular prime time show on CBS in the 50's/60's), and I know I've heard it from several other well-known Catholics. Do you ever watch EWTN? "Nobody is going to force you or your loved ones to have an abortion". So that makes it OK for the killing of babies to be legal? (and btw, the number of abortions is declining, probably because sonograms allow people to see how human even a developing fetus looks in the womb. You claim that my "attitudes and views are really far outside of the Catholic mainstream", but can you give me an example of this? I think you are referring to the attitudes and views of fallen away Catholics, or "cafeteria Catholics" (surely you've heard that phrase before)...
Here's what the article you cited actually said (these are direct quotes, and I'll link the article again here so you can easily check it yourself) "Pope Francis said he has been told that 2% of the Catholic priests engage in pedophilia, but vowed to do what he can to eradicate the problem within the church, which he compared to leprosy." "The Vatican issued a statement that said the published conversation is not a verbatim transcript and denied the Pope said the transgressors also included cardinals." http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/pope-francis-2-priests-pedophiles-report-article-1.1865103 So, if that article was wrong about some of the things it said, who knows how much of that report is accurate? Also, nobody really knows how many alleged cases of abuse are legit...what real evidence do the alleged victims have? Again, many of the cases are from 50 or 60 years ago and the accused Priests are dead now and can't defend themselves. It's all hearsay. I'm not saying there was no abuse, but none of us can say how many cases of actual abuse there were....