It's even hard to imagine Corporal Hobbes and his buddies firing on American servicemen. What would inspire you to do so?
Troops firing on American civilians, in furtherance of a political question, would no longer be American troops. However, While civilian populations win wars of attrition, successful strategies lie more along the lines of cutting out the cancer, rather than killing the body.
What are you prattling on about? You can't really envision armed insurrection being somehow a reality and successful, can you?
I wasn't arguing that Americans are particularly well educated. A large cross section is the exact opposite. You see this every morning when you shave.
Uhhh I kno. My gf does the same thing. It drives me crazy.... Oh shit... NotSatoshit=my gf Hobbes. You're like... Possibly batshit crazy.... like this post, it just makes no sense... it's ok man, my life goal is to have an underground bunker in the desert filled with ammo Terminator 2 style, I got your back old man.
Check out what the cops in Atlanta are doing about it:
The constitution is great, we don't really follow the constitution anymore. Abuse of the emergency powers act is just one recent example: Going back further to 1917 with the Trading with the Enemy Act and the War Powers act (1933 and 1940) also expands the federal government in general and the powers of the executive branch well beyond the limits of the constitution: Before that, Abraham Lincoln acted beyond the scope of his authority at the expense of individual liberties, states rights, and powers reserved for congress into the constitution. The government we have produced has been the result of straying from the very document you are criticizing.
^Probably a topic for another thread, but the Constitution hasn't prevented the creation of all of the problems we see today. It hasn't prevented the rise of the two party system. It hasn't provided any mechanism for dealing with gridlock, waste and corruption at the highest levels of government. It hasn't prevented the federal government from taking over the most minutest part of your daily life. It hasn't prevented Donald Trump, for fucks sake, from being seriously considered as a candidate for president from one of the major serious parties. We live in a very poorly designed house. Its why we shit in every room. A better design would fix a lot.
Another good kid that just got in a little trouble here and there. Hopefully they charge the other three teens with murder and put them away for along time. I like that line, if someone pulled a gun on him he would have dropped his, well too bad for him that he picked someone that was carrying and knew how to shoot.