Then amend it, or STFU. Currently as it stands the United States Constitution, contemplates the private ownership of small arms , as would be employed by a foot soldier and warships. If you don't like it, start a blog and get famous, telling the tin foil hat lefties, that the Constitution is a dangerous piece of paper and should be burned like a book.
Call me, let's discuss. Wasn't Chucky a Good Guy? Chucky said Aunt Hillary was a Bitch and got what she deserved....
The Constitution is a dangerous piece of paper that should be burned like a book. Look at the government it's produced for us.
Dead on Balls accurate, my statement was. 80% of the populace couldn't name the 9 SCOTUS Justices.... More than half their own Congressman... lets not get into, the principles of divided government, natural right, capitalism, and property ownership as the cornerstone of freedom.
You can lecture ME, when you learn the difference between English Composition, and Civics. and the 9 Justii.
I am absolutely saying that it is dangerous to be cruising the internet while you are driving a car even if you are disciplined enough to positively look at the phone only when your car has come to a complete stop at a traffic light ,then monitor what is going on around you including the changing of the light, pedestrians, cyclists and other motorists and then completely ignoring the phone while you resume driving. Is this forum really that important to your life that you're willing to ignore public safety laws to participate or are the laws only for others? What other laws do you believe you are above? Do any of them relate to your precious little guns? Do you believe that your infantile name calling advances your argument? Good luck in life, pal.
I'm clueless and you're going to take on the Armed Forces of the United States of America (a tyrannical government?) with a couple of handguns? Good luck with that. Not!
Bad guy stories, unfortunately, show up way too often, with some of them wearing uniforms. I am not inspired sufficiently to search them out. All of which is irrelevant to "330+ MILLION guns owned by Citizens (sic) of this great Republic (sic)".
Please make up your mind? Should I "STFU" or should I start a blog? Either one seems to invoke in you some irrational fear. Do you have a lot of other irrational fears? Do you fear the government is going to come and take your guns away?
In every instance in modern history, a well armed populace with sufficient motivation has been able to fight the armed forces to a stand still at least. the USSR in Afghanistan, and the US in Viet Nam come to mind... And we had a discussion on this board about the relative mechanical possibility of a motivated insurgency being able to do that very thing. The paradigm, is quite simple... See wartime use.
Viet Nam was just a bad dream? Or are you talking domestically ? You do realize of course, that total US armament consists of less than 10,000 tanks, and 13000 Aircraft.. Against a well motivated populace with access to black powder and Iron pipe, whatever remains of the 1.4 million headcount that doesn't side with an insurrection, will have little mechanical advantage, and likely be on even footing or outnumbered. Planes, Tanks, and Helicopters, are kept in centralized locations enabling a small force to do great damage. With only pipe bombs.
Yes, you timely the news can be.....