Amazing when the wording of the Constitution is so concise you would have us believe a significant phrase is meaningless.
You have just named four places where it is difficult for anyone to "freely" own guns, particularly the criminal element.
You must have missed this one, Not:
These "good guy with a gun" stories.. aren't they kind of counter-productive to the point the OP is trying to make though? I mean all the stories are usually starting off with a bad guy with a gun.
Did you know that the crime rate of people with a concealed carry permit is lower than that of police?
Again I don't want to go into a movie theater filled with good guys with guns. If Security has a gun ok with me. I have a Constitutional right not to get killed by a good guy or a bad guy with a gun. I don't want to get caught in a crossfire of amateurs or vigilantes. The same goes for other public places like restaurants. I want peace and quiet and safety. The idea as propagated by the NRA who even opposes safe storage laws (that would prevent children from needlessly getting killed) that there are murderers on the loose every second of the day looking to kill you percentage wise in society just isn't there. You are a lot safer without a gun than with one. But if you have one (legally), keep it out of my face.
The guy was trying to force him off the road, followed him home, parked across his driveway and threatened him. The legal gun owner chambered a round and the guy continued to approach him. Clear case where Castle Doctrine applies.
These incidents are infinitesimal. 99.999% of us are not going to be confronted by people like this. The idea of carrying a loaded gun (with no safety) at all times and being on alert 24-7 does not match with the reality of what's going on in the real world. But then again you have a place like Charleston. And if just one person in that church had been carrying then nine people wouldn't be dead. Hopefully only one, a guy who is unfortunately alive. Open carry differs in jurisdictions and in some states you don't need a license or a permit. Why not a compromise with orgs like the Brady Campaign (not Tommy) and have stricter rules so you aren't allowing untrained or inexperienced people to be carrying loaded guns in public. As for places like movie theaters and churches: maybe just allow certain individuals with a special clearance. Who have been through training, have impeccable records and who know what they're doing. Like ex-cops, etc. I don't want amateurs protecting me in a movie theater. The shoot up is supposed to be on the screen not in the theater.
It usually takes two to tango in road rage cases. I am all for being able to stand your ground and defend yourself instead of having to run and hide or whatever but if this guy was instigating he was also in the wrong and should probably get charged with murder. The guy who got shot is a fucking idiot for acting like this with his family in the car too. If the shooter was an instigator he's the type of person that gives the rest of us a bad name. You need to avoid confrontational situations as much as possible when carrying, not instigate them.
That's the shooters story. Others say the shooter was the aggressor and the victim was not on the property and was walking away when shot in the back. The bottom line is there is a guy who was killed over a traffic dispute by a nimrod with a gun who has been charged with manslaughter. You think this is okay?
Because this happens about as often as someone going on a mass killing spree with a knife. It's rare.
If this happened on the side of the road I would be inclined to agree but with him following him home it sends up a few red flags. The shooter may have flipped him off, shouted at him but when you go out of your way following someone to their house then it changes things up a bit. The extra shots after the other guy was down will do him in though.