I'm just sick of people always painting hunters and trappers in a negative light. Fact is without hunters the populations of things like deer would be out of control
While i agree, i haven't seen that here yet.so i am not going on the offensive.i just wanted to bring that side of the gun control debate into the picture because i know it is forgotten by people who don't understand it.
Look you can go hunting with better background checks. It won't affect it at all. How's about a little compromise to try and keep some of these nutcases away from firearms. It might slightly inconvenience someone legit if there is some kind of computer glitch or the process takes a few extra days before you get approved to buy your gun. So don't be so selfish and think only of yourself. Nobody is trying to infringe on your personal liberties. Even if you hate the gov that's your problem. There's 300 million people in the U.S. and we have to live together. It's not all about you. I have the right not to get killed by someone who carries in public and who doesn't know how to use a gun and doesn't put the safety on.
Compromise would be great. All i heard so far are measures aimed at making guns and ammo so expensive it removes the middle class from affording them. A veiled attempt to indirectly remove all guns from law abiding citizens. Show me suggestions that do no penalize excessively that population and that would also stop criminals from obtaining guns.
The first thing is Universal background checks which would cover many of the loopholes like gun shows. This wouldn't cost gun lovers anything. Then a concerted effort on all levels of gov to work together and improve administrative rules and regulations like max time allowed to get approval if there are red flags. You don't sell a gun until every question is answered correctly. A legit applicant can wait a few extra days. It isn't going to kill them.
I agree with some of this. But if you are looking for the govt to protect you than it is on the govt to deny the applicant in a timely fashion. 5 day wait on all guns. If a denial is not issued by than sale goes thru. We are innocent till proven guilty here and we should not have our lives held up by govt bureaucracy.
I don't know all the specifics on this. I'm sure in most cases the 5 days would work fine. But not for everyone. Imo if there are any red flags no time limits until all questions are answered satisfactorily. And all jurisdictions give an ok. So we can stop these mistakes and errors that have ended up in tragedy.
Seriously? There are fifty states out there with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of acres of parkland, land in government use and open space and you actually believe the acquisition and operation of all that land can be paid for by hunting license revenue? Edited to add: As of 2009 there were 14 million acres of state parkland alone; that figure has no doubt climbed.
i can't speak for all states. But thats what i am told when i plop down my 150 every year. I pay for the woods the non hunters who hate my guns hike in for free
Well, you did speak for all states. The bigger problem is you believed something that the government told you.
i will stand by statement. $ 200 mil from the Fed taxes on a liscense on top of what the states get indvidually.
There 84 million acres of US parkland and at least 14 million more in state parkland. If you believe that hunting license fees can actually pay for this acreage and its operation there is no reason to continue this discussion. The US Park Service alone requires three billion dollars a year to operate.
The us parkland is irrelevant. But it doesn't matter. My main argument still stands. thank you for steering this duscussion on an unnecessary tangent. I won't reply again so enjoy the last word