Nothing will convince someone whose mind is closed. As for me, I get so much peace, happiness, and overall satisfaction from my Catholic Faith that I would continue following the Catholic Church even if I found out there was no God. That's how much I benefit from my faith in this life, regardless of whether or not there is an afterlife. (it's a moot point, however, since I know God exists. I can't prove it to someone who is not willing to open their mind to the possibility, but that doesn't change what I know from my personal experiences in life)
Finding the Peace We Crave "Last week, I joined dozens of other pastors, rabbis, civic, police, and neighborhood leaders, and the family of Eric Garner, in a moving “prayer of reconciliation” at Mount Sinai United Christian Church in Staten Island. The high point came at the conclusion of our prayer, when Eric’s mother, and the police borough commander of Staten Island, both brought a candle up, the two then lighting a larger single candle together to signify unity and reconciliation. The symbol was potent: after a year of protests, tension, anger, marches, charges, and threats, the mother of the victim and the police commander embraced! Jesus was at work!" ...How inspirational it is to recall, a month ago, when innocent churchgoers at Bible study in the AME church in Charleston were massacred by a maniac who had been welcomed in to pray. Will we ever forget the parents, friends, spouses, and children of those slaughtered, speaking to the murderer, not with threats and anger, but with words of healing and forgiveness?" ~Cardinal Dolan,12872
Interfaith Prayer Service on Staten Island Seeks to Bring Healing "At an interfaith prayer service on Staten Island last week, attended by members of the New York Police Department as well as the family of Eric Garner, Cardinal Dolan said it was only natural the gathering would take place in a church. Participation included a number of clergy members from Catholic and other Christian churches as well as from the Jewish and Muslim religions. Many are members, along with the cardinal, of the Commission of Religious Leaders (CORL) of the City of New York, which Mayor Bill de Blasio convened last summer in the aftermath of Garner’s death. One of them was Msgr. Kevin Sullivan, executive director of archdiocesan Catholic Charities. Also in attendance was Brother Tyrone Davis, C.F.C., executive director of the archdiocesan Office of Black Ministry." In outlining the purpose of the evening’s prayer service, Rev. Bernard told the congregation that “our faith speaks of pursuing peace.” “Blessed are those who pursue the path of peace,” he said. “That is the path we choose tonight.” Bishop Brown, in his remarks of welcome, also noted “a renewed commitment to build a bridge between the community and police that will never be torn down.” I already proved you wrong, but since you keep bringing this up, I can keep finding more articles about falsely accused Priests.
Not clicking on that link, don't want to infect my life any further. If you continue to lie about no priest ever being convicted of child rape, you're going to hell. To HELL. Seriously. _
"Planned Parenthood may finally have sown the seeds for its own destruction. A viral undercover video that shows the organization’s senior medical director sipping wine and taking bites of salad while glibly discussing the harvesting and sale of body parts from aborted babies has struck a nerve—even among those who support at least some access to legal abortion. And the organization has said that more such videos may surface. Congress is right to begin hearings into whether any federal laws have been broken, and should take it one step further by immediately suspending the half-billion dollars a year in government funding that Planned Parenthood programs and services enjoy."
I never said that. You're the one who is lying and putting words in my mouth. I'm just saying the media blew the whole thing out of proportion, and that the Catholic Church has already done everything it can possibly do to fix the problem. It is now harder to get into the seminary than it is to get into an Ivy League college; there are extensive background checks, interviews, psychological testing, etc.
We had a fucking bet that not ONE Catholic Priest has EVER been convicted of raping a child. You lied AGAIN. You are going to hell you liar. You're a disgusting example of your faith denying what the shepards of your flock have done. Done with you jackass. Take your bullshit elsewhere. _
Ok, I'm officially done with participating in your stupidity any further. Everything you've posted is a variant on "I know you are but what am I?". Most of us got beyond that in the first grade. Allah bless you.
The behavior of a true troll. "I don't want to hear what you have to say but am going to try and have the last word nonetheless." You truly are a pathetic poster. When they taught about Greek mythology at school how much did your children get laughed at because they were unable to simply learn about it from a historical perspective because they kept whining that it wasn't true? When you were called to the parent teacher conference to discuss your child's desire to remain ignorant and not learn about it because it wasn't true, did you argue with them that it shouldn't even be on the curriculum because you don't want your child learning about things that aren't real even if they serve to understand the history and culture of the times? Or do you simply home school your kids to ensure their ignorance of the world around them and the history that led to it? Being an atheist doesn't make you more intelligent that those dumb believers in God. Just as there are dumb religious people who are afraid of scientific concepts and shield themselves and their children from it, so too are there dumbass atheists who are afraid of the concept of God and shield themselves and their children from it. Your dumbfuck claim that you wouldn't discuss the concept of God with your children , despite the fact that it is an important part of understanding the history and culture of man, is the atheist equivalent of religious groups opposing the discussion of religion. Congratulations, you are the atheist equivalent of the ignorant religious groups afraid of science. Only a truly unintelligent person would want to promote such ignorance in their children. Whether you read this or not is of little concern, what's important is the rest of the board get a summation of the fraudulent troll you are.
of course you aren't, which is great because with every post you validate everything I have written about you. the "nah nah nah! I can't hear you!" fingers in the ear argument is not a good look, but as is par for the course with you, you aren't smart enough to understand that you make yourself look ridiculous every time you click Post Reply.
No, your goys-versus-boys enthymeme only addressed the Judeo-Christian component of your piecemeal, religiocentric claptrap. And spare me the history lesson regarding the "chicken or egg" time frame. I've already owned you earlier in this thread with my Refermation lampooning weeks ago. You are the intransigent 'Tea Party' of the Catholic Church. You are the anti-Fulton J. Sheen. You are the ecclesiastical junc. And, you speak for nobody.
Don't worry about it, just another puff piece by a church hack that anecdotally mentioned a priest or two being not guilty of the charges; no stats, no specific citations, just that two out of thousands didn't do it - according to those with a bias.
Truth's response to the atrocities committed by his church, "it's a small number" Both he and his church want wiggle room on the subject of ruining lives. Can you honestly believe that shit?!!!!