This wouldn't wipe out the gun industry it would just make it very accountable and it would drive the price of guns up dramatically. Cigarettes cost 5x what they did before the anti-smoking legislation, which is exactly what should have happened. Will you have any more gun shows where anybody can walk away with a gun by just signing a piece of paper and paying a couple of hundred bucks? No. I dare anybody to say that's a bad thing.
As long as I could be assured there was no way to remotely connect to my weapon I'd actually like this. I don't know what it solves but I'd buy it for myself. it would have to be able to hold more than one dna too. makes it safer if anyone ever gets your gun away from you. f the ammo part though, that seems useless.
It solves your kid shooting somebody accidentally with your gun. It solves a burglar stealing your gun and using it or selling it on the black market. It solves your gun ever killing anybody unless you pull the trigger. It solves quick gun purchases. All purchases will have a waiting period while your DNA is encoded on the gun and on the ammo. Is it perfect? Not by a long shot but guns are a huge problem in this country and kow-towing to a multi-billion dollar industry hasn't fixed that at all.
it would many sportsmen out of a hobby, which in turn would put alot of state parks in the red as most state land is funded from hunting license sales. this would hurt tourism in those areas as well.but we should definitely figure out away to hurt all these small town businesses because of a few psychos.
you are not addressing what I am talking about. I am talking about making gun manufacturers responsible for doing the background checks for anyone who buys the guns and keeping the records who owns the guns, not arbitrarily making them responsible if anyone uses them to commit murder. but if the gun manufacturers are negligent and sell a gun to someone who shouldn't have had one, and then negligent in ensuring they haven't switched hands without their being notified, then they are negligent and that negligence would permit them to be sued. the gun manufacturers are allowed to let guns make it in the hands of people who shouldn't have them but aren't held responsible at any level. you can argue personal responsibility all you want, but that topic doesn't negate that there should also be corporate responsibility. there can be both. you want to argue that there shouldn't be both, but haven't stated why corporations should less responsibility then the end consumer. why shouldn't the corporation have responsibility for their product, that they manufacture, and of which is the primary purpose is to cause damage to whatever it hits. beyond that, where are all the guns purchased illegally coming from? that is only possible if gun manufacturers are allowed to ship products without any oversight.
the cost of hockey significantly drives down the participation levels. oh well. nice plea to emotion, though... increased gun costs will hurt small towns. geez.
You do know the gun makers don't sell direct to buyers but rather wholesale to ffl licensed dealers right?
Gonna leave this alone. We live in different worlds you would never understand i am just going to add that there is a whole population living outside the big cities that see guns as tools not weapons.
Well yes, those are reasons I'd want it but it wouldn't have helped this shooting that happened at the theater nor would it have stopped the one at the church. both of those can be chalked up to the incompetence of government employees
how does it allow me to teach my child safe gun handling and shooting? education is the best defense against accidents.
I assume you'd be able to add/remove people. so you could add your kid when you wanted him to use it and remove him afterwards. no worrying about him getting it in between. we could keep guns more readily handy
i see you added this. for the record,i have no qualms with a waiting period for guns while they do the background check. i also have no problem with private sales being funneled through an ffl dealer.
That type lawsuit has been tried and failed numerous times. People still try though, Bushmaster has one they are fighting against parents of children killed in Newtown. A 2005 federal shield law prevents people from suing gun manufacturers for allowing crimes and killings with their products
Blah blah blah. Guns are never going away. Get over it already. You commie Libs can't control everything as you please.