It all comes down to whether you think the reports of Jesus' miracles, including His resurrection from the dead, are accurate. Many people witnessed these things first-hand, but many did not, and didn't believe them. That's why Judaism continues to this day. ....and btw, I never said that the Catholic Church is "the only true faith", what I said was that the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth, while all other world religions have aspects of truth but are incomplete. And the reason is simple; religion does evolve like someone said earlier, and God's final revelation to us was coming to earth in the form of a man. If you don't accept that fact, then you by definition don't have the latest teachings of God. But other world religions have a great deal of knowledge of the one God (even if they express Him in different forms, as in Hinduism for example), and they do a lot of good; they just don't recognize God's latest revelation. It's like how science changes and evolves over the years; if there are scientists out there who stopped doing research 20 years ago, they will still know a lot about science, but will not have the "fullness of truth, or knowledge", as it is known today.
Dumbass, just look in both the posts you just quoted Edit: I am done with this, I know I said it before but you just kept with the moronic posts. I can't deal with someone so obviously deluded as you are. Enjoy your magical sky wizard.
Are you a scholar of ALL religions? No. So who are YOU to make that call? Speaking as a Roman Catholic myself, religio-centrism is pure hubris when suggesting that ones' beliefs contain the answers for all. And to take the 'universal' definition of 'catholic' and run with it is presumptuous as well - one size does not fit all.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Religion is an argument about who has the best imaginary friends. Clearly, it's the Roman Catholics. _
Not reading another word from you until you admit that there has been a history of pedophilia in the catholic church. I guess that problem is that I won't even know that you admitted it unless someone else told me.
Not reading another word from you until you admit that there has been a history of pedophilia in the catholic church. I guess that problem is that I won't even know that you admitted it unless someone else told me.
It's simple....if you believe that Jesus was The Christ, The Savior that Judaism had foretold and that Jews were waiting for, then it follows that Christianity is the most recent revelation of God. And according to Jesus Himself, it is meant for all people, the world over. It is the latest in the evolution of world religion. Of course that all depends on whether or not you believe the Biblical accounts of Jesus' mission, miracles, and resurrection. And historically speaking, the Catholic Church is the oldest Christian church, by over 1500 years. All of the other Protestant denominations came along much later and were invented by mortal humans. The Catholic Church was the one that arose from Christ Himself. All Christians were Catholics from the time of Christ until those rebels popped up about 1500 years later, and split from the Church. So, historically speaking, we can prove that Catholicism is authentic Christianity.
I never said there were NO cases of Priestly abuse. Just that the number is very very small, much less than what the media tries to suggest. That's all. And looking at the website that was posted on here, that seems to be the case. Of course, none of us knows for sure if any Priests have been falsely accused or falsely convicted, but the number of Priests actually convicted is very small. In fact, when I brought up the Priest abuse scandal earlier today with someone, they immediately dismissed it as "an old adage"; in other words, it's a thing of the past. It's "so 10 years ago" as the kids these days might say. So stop trying to sidetrack the interesting discussions going on right now about religion...this thread is not about crime, it's about religion!
Now that I answered your question, can you watch this excellent video...refresh my memory, are you an atheist? Regardless, it's very interesting...(spoiler alert: He kills the "new atheists" like Hitchens and Dawkins, exposing how ridiculous their arguments are)
LOL .... you didn't watch it, did you. You're afraid to watch it, because it might force you to think. If you want to hear an excellent case for religion, but don't want to take the time to watch the whole thing, start watching at about the 4:00 mark. From 4:00 to 7:00, that's 3 minutes of your life, and I guarantee you will find it interesting and thought-provoking.
Not reading another word from you until you admit that there has been a history of pedophilia in the catholic church. I guess that problem is that I won't even know that you admitted it unless someone else told me.
Not reading another word from you until you admit that there has been a history of pedophilia in the catholic church. I guess that problem is that I won't even know that you admitted it unless someone else told me.
I watched that. I'm no theologian, but that sure sounded like a whole load of bullshit to me. That argument will convince nobody who isn't already a Christian.