I was using it as an example of how ridiculous your statement was. Religion causes the people who follow it to do stupid things. Let's not get into a semantics debate.
It's not semantics. What you advocate is akin to saying that a hammer is evil because it killed the victim.
Yes, I did, but thank you for sharing. It is a fascinating period of history. In fact, the coliseum was built using the wealth taken from the Second Jewish Temple. I guess you could say that Jews built and financed the greatest stadium project in world history.... albeit a wee bit more than reluctantly. And I agree that we should evolve. I actually disagree, strongly, with religious teachers who argue that religion isn't an evolving institution. It is and should be. A nice example comes from recent excavations of what were Jewish ghettos in medieval Europe. Apparently they were fond of eating a number of animals that, today, the rabbinate considers not to be kosher. It was assumed that interpretations of what is, and is not, kosher has been relatively static. Turns out that isn't entirely true. OTOH, one area where is has been static is pigs: across the ages all Jews have accepted that pork is forbidden, even if other kosher laws are fudged. Interesting, eh? So I agree, times should change. I would caution about the description of "primitive" however. In some senses you're definitely right, but this can go too far and lead to same poor conclusions. For example, why is it the Egyptians could build the pyramids and yet we cannot figure out how they could have accomplished this? For all our intelligence we have no theory that explains the pyramids fully (I suppose some folks like the aliens theory ). See what I'm saying? These "primitive" people often accomplished things in not so primitive ways and often had more knowledge than we have assumed.
Nope. You're not getting religion off the hook with semantics, and smoke and mirrors. Religion has caused way more bad than good.
Yep. You're a follower of your dogma just as much as Truth is the follower of his. Close minded brainwashing comes in all shades. Grow up and try to open your mind just a little.
Growing up and opening up my mind is what washed me of the stench of religion. Dogma is part of a belief system. Not believing in god isn't a belief, it's a non-belief. At least understand the opposite side of an argument before you start typing nonsense.
I was referring to your belief that religion is the root of all evil. Your inability to even contemplate that the problem might lie with people is pitiful.
It is absolutely aggressive (at least Stalin/Leninism, other forms of Communism are different but I'll still pass) and dogmatic, but I disagree with the idea of Communism being a religion. It is an ideology, as are religions, political movements, etc., but it is important to differentiate. Of course I freely admit the difficulties in defining religion, so I get why you approach the subject from that POV. But consider the definitions of religion here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/religion?s=t The primary definition clearly delineates religion as something that Communism would not fit into. OTOH, the 2nd and 3rd definitions are so absurdly broad as to include any set of beliefs held by more than a single person. As such, atheism would be a religion, as well as unions, political parties, sororities and fraternities, even family traditions could be defined as "religions" then. To be fair, it is clear the other definitions refer back to the first. Unfortunately, our post-modernist world has rendered proper meanings to be something of an annoyance for people and definitions have become lax. In any event, if you look up the definition above, follow it up by checking "ideology" and you'll find it fits nicely. All of these have ideological components: religions, political movements, corporations, nations, ethnicities, etc. As such, I would argue that, say, Christianity and Communism are not two competing religions, they are two competing ideologies. But then again, so is multiculturalism, political progressivism, and so on. This is how I approach the problem at least, but as I said, I do understand why people feel otherwise.
Actually, Stalin most certainly DID kill in the name of not believing in G-d as did the communists in general. I don't think you want to believe this but it is indisputable. It isn't like they tried to hide this Chrebet. Except for when Stalin found the Eastern Orthodox Church useful during the Second World War he sought to suppress it violently. I'm sorry, but as another person mentioned this is merely semantics and not terribly complex semantics either. Read the article I linked for you. EDIT: since I don't believe you'll read the article I linked I am providing a snippet here. "The state was committed to the destruction of religion,[2][3] and destroyed churches, mosques and temples, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with atheistic teachings, and generally promoted atheism as the truth that society should accept.[4][5] The total number of Christian victims of Soviet state atheist policies, has been estimated to range between 12-20 million.[6][7][8]" Now this is just a snippet, but how much clearer does this need to be? Atheists killed Christians BECAUSE they believed in G-d. End. Of. Story. And even Richard Dawkins isn't gonna back you up here my friend.
Okay, I'm done. You're clearly terribly misinformed and have created a little "world" just for yourself. But I do hate to break it to you but religion did not create slavery. Slavery was an outgrowth of the accumulation of wealth and property through sedentariazation (think pre-Sumerian) and it likely began as a system of holding debt in check and repaying debt. Not the heinous chattel slavery you have in mind. So except you abolition, there really is almost zero link between religion and slavery, except in your head.
What's happened to this thread? Anyone reading just the last 2 pages will think it really is a serious discussion about religion. Truth where are you? Your thread needs a serious dose of dogma to get it back on track.
Ok Truth Jr., I see where this is going. You are going to start the "indentured servitude wasn't really slavery" argument.
I take it from your posts that you are an observant Jew. And a fairly thoughtful guy. I'm curious. What do you think about people who defend religion by saying things like the Catholic Church is the gateway to authentic personal freedom and Catholic schools are the only place you can get a decent education?
It's like I'm having a debate with a child. I'm not arguing the fact that Stalin killed people for believing in god. If you can't understand that concept, we are pretty much done with this conversation. You are using a very typical Christian tactic of changing the direction of the conversation to avoid admitting something about your religion. You put me in a position to make me look like I'm defending an evil dictator. An article from Richard Dawkins's website. Now what were you saying about Richard Dawkins? https://michaelsherlockauthor.wordp...in-pol-pot-in-memory-of-christopher-hitchens/