Tom Brady suspended for four games Overturned!

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Yisman, May 11, 2015.

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  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I have not lied, I do not lie. You are a little out of control for some reason. the original post you went bonkers over was not directed toward you but you took it that way for some reason. Go back and read the posts, it should help clear things up for you.

    for the record- I do not want you ban, I do not want anyone banned. I wish we could just talk football instead of hurling insults(I have been guilty of this too so I am not blameless) all the time.
  2. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    1,505 lets keep going...please post who it was intended for. Who did you intend to tell that any poster that thought the Pats beat the Colts because of deflated footballs was crazy. Who was it intended for? NOBODY. I know who it was intended for. can throw the out of control thing at me all you want..because you are the only poster Im out of control with. You lied. No..prove me wrong. Who was that intended for? I will gladly apologize when you post who it was intended for. Just be very careful who else you bring into this.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I never lied once, just b/c you are saying that doesn't mean it is true.

    the post you lost control over was a general post w/in the thread. If I was talking directly to you I would have addressed you.
  4. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    no no...not so fast. When you tell another you did me...that you felt SORRY FOR ME...because I believed the Pats beat the Colts because of deflated footballs...not so fast junc. You have skated with me for a decade...not so fast pumpkin. YOU LIED. You lied about other posters too. You are covering up losing an argument by lying.

    Who did you intend that post for? Where are the Colt fans screaming here that they would have won with properly inflated footballs.

    Dont think for a second I do not realize what an absurd discussion this is..but Im bored..and have had it with this site that allows you to just put out lies to coverup your insecurities. What poster did you mean that for?
  5. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    why do I just envision this crazy bastard..scrolling back to find the one post from a poster that may have said..."how do you know...they might have won if the footballs were not deflated"..junc has hired a crew to find that one post is overheating. Go junc...keep searching.
  6. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Your not going to find it junc..because you wrote that to change the subject of an argument you lost. decided to make me..and a few others...look like fucking idiots by saying you felt sorry for us if we thought the Colts could have won with proper footballs.

    While some may think this is no big just reveals what a very sick individual you are...and how you should seek help bud. This thread? These posts? They are nothing in the scale of life..nothing. Anyone that has such a burning desire like yourself to be right needs to be called out. You are nuts bud.
  7. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    :rolleyes:It's just jealousy according to Junctroll
  8. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    lol..well..not this time. He thought it would only be interpreted by me and left alone. He didnt realize how much time I have on my hands this summer. He totally knew what he was doing. Anyone could look back where this started and know it was well thought out...stupid..but very well thought out on his part...again..stupid.
  9. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    He's either trolling or the Patriotway has fully changed him. I think he was a Jets fan once, but now I'm really not sure? He calls Brady a liar out one side of his mouth and then exonerates Brady's actions out the other side.

    The New England Patriots, in a little over one decade, have compromised the National Football League.
  10. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    Actually why are no current QBs coming out to defend Brady? That is the more pertinent question than why some haven't come out against. As for that reason, the active NFL QB ranks are a fraternity amongst themselves and they won't say anything bad about another. It is just like an active player commenting about another player's contract. It is just a no-no in the locker room.

    As for former NFL QBs, a bunch have come out and said that Brady is a liar & cheater to include HOFer Troy Aikman and Mark Brunell.

    Anyway, this whole situation is self-inflicted by Brady and the Pats and they deserve what they got for this and other repeated transgressions. Had Brady just owned upto it initially this would have been much ado about nothing akin to George Brett and pine tar. The issue in this case is less the transgression and more the lying and feigned indignation from Brady, Belichicken, Kraft and the Patriots organization along with the systemic paranoia and cheating that permeates from the entire organization.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I despise the Pats but I also know what goes on and know all teams are trying to gain any competitive edge they can get so I don't get up in arms over this stuff. Brady did lie but it was a minor issue, he deserves a suspension for lying not for the offense itself.
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Liar? no doubt. cheater? that's silly.

    current QBs keep quiet b/c they don't want to get involved in any way, they know it's normal to manipulate footballs. Maybe not the same way Brady did it but they are doing things they shouldn't be as well so the wise thing is for them to remain quiet.
  13. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    There is a difference between beating the crap out of the balls before the game to scuff them up as opposed to systemically enlisting the lockerroom staff to needle & deflate the balls after they have been approved by the gameday officials AND then conspire to cover it up and lie about it during an official league investigation.

    If you can't figure that out, I can't help you.
  14. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    I think junc is a known troll who roots for tommy Brady
  15. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    This has been going on for wayyyyyyyyyy too long.

    Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
    JetsVilma28 likes this.
  16. AugustWest

    AugustWest Active Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Do you think the Broncos would have won 2 Super Bowls without John Elway and Terrell Davis? They circumvented the salary cap to keep those players.

    Here's an article about all the current cheating in the NFL.

    Like I said earlier, all NFL teams try to gain an advantage. If you get caught, you pay the price.

    But at a time when anyone who doesn’t like the Patriots is quick to point out that, between Spygate, #DeflateGate, and the lingering fumes of the retracted Boston Herald report regarding the videotaping of the St. Louis walk-through before Super Bowl XXXVI, all four trophies are tainted, let’s be fair to the Patriots. If what they do is cheating, plenty of teams have cheated over the years.

    In the 1990s, the Broncos won Super Bowl trophies in 1997 and 1998 with the assistance of salary-cap violations from 1996 through 1998. Denver eventually lost a third-round pick, paid a whopping $950,000 fine, and a still-unnamed agent and a player donated $100,000 to charity. Does anyone ever say those two Lombardis are tarnished?

    Per a league source, the NFL currently is investigating four total cases of game-integrity violations. Three are known: #DeflateGate, the Browns’ sideline-texting scandal, and the Falcons’ crowd-noise controversy.

    Others have occurred in recent years. In 2012, the Chargers were fined $20,000 in connection with the use of a towel that may or may not have carried a prohibited substance on it. (The team eventually claimed it was fined not for using the towel but for not surrendering the evidence quickly enough.)

    In 2010, the Broncos self-reported that an employee had videotaped a portion of the San Francisco walk-through practice before a game between the two teams in London. The Broncos were fined $50,000 for the violation; former head coach Josh McDaniels was fined $50,000 for not reporting the violation.

    Also in 2010, the Jets were fined $100,000 for the wall of humanity former strength coach Sal Alosi placed along the sideline during a punt play to impede former Dolphins gunner Nolan Carroll. Few believed Alosi was acting on his own or without the knowledge of former special-teams coordinator Mike Westhoff or former head coach Rex Ryan.

    And these are simply the things the public knows about. Who knows how many investigations and sanctions ultimately have been hidden over the years?

    Then there’s the rampant violation of the injury-reporting rules by NFL teams. Rarely, the NFL fines a team that has been caught with both hands flat on the bottom of the cookie jar. Even then, punishment happens reluctantly; more than five years ago, the league imposed $125,000 in fines only after Brett Favre continued to talk (and talk . . . and talk) about the late-season biceps injury that the Jets had consistently failed to disclose the prior year.

    Then there’s tampering. It’s rampant. It’s laughable. It’s so bad that the NFL eventually created a three-day legal tampering period. And it will continue to occur long before that annual three-day window opens.

    Indeed, this year one of the biggest victims of the rampant tampering in the NFL will be (you guessed it) the Patriots. With cornerback Darrelle Revis under contract for 2015 and due $20 million fully guaranteed if he’s on the roster at the outset of the new league year in March, it would be foolish to assume that the assessment of New England’s best offer on a long-term contract won’t include information of the amounts other teams would pay if Revis doesn’t return to the Patriots.

    It’ll be Lawyer Milloy all over again, with the player having full knowledge about what other teams will pay before making a final decision on whether to stay with the Patriots.

    So in some way or another, everyone cheats. It’s not an excuse for the Pats, it’s the reality of the NFL. And it’s unfair to wag a finger only at the Patriots. In one way or another, fingers should be wagged at most if not all of the 32 NFL franchises.
    nyjunc likes this.
  17. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Are they EVER gonna rule on this damn thing? The whole thing is clown shoes at this point.
    JetsVilma28 likes this.
  18. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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  19. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    If Goodell doesn't vacate the whole thing, it should be obvious that a federal judge will. What a circus show.
  20. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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