You actually think people with tons of money and power need websites to get laid? If they want prostitutes, they can just pay to have that taken care of. If they want an affair, they can just go to a fancy bar and let their money do the talking.
Yes. Because if recent history has shown us. Politicians and business executives have had no problem dipping their pens without getting company ink on the Internet and Local News.
Nothing like an appeal to extreme. Concocting a worse case scenario does not a reasonable argument make.
Ok, how about a non-extreme? Someone used to be on the website before their current relationship? Their name shows up and their spouse divorces them despite being faithful the whole time?
This site is an embarrassment. The hackers are doing everybody a favor except the low life's who created the site and lower life's who use the site.
Signing up for anything online of a suggestive nature is about as risky as texting pictures of your junk at this point. Rules to live by in the internet age: 1. Don't sign up for anything ever unless you can do so without including actual information about yourself. My next e-mail account is going to be Joe Bigfoot. I haven't figured out how I will actually use it to communicate with people I want to communicate with but I sense a Peter Sellers movie in the making. 1a. Whatever you sign up for will get hacked eventually. So think about what it is before you sign up. 1b. Don't ever leave a your credit/debit card or banking information on any site. Uncheck the save information box and re-enter it next time you need to use it. I have not figured out how to get Joe Bigfoot a debit card yet but I am working on it. 2. Don't download anything ever unless it is from the vendor and it is legal and you own rights to do so. This is simple. You own it then you can download it. 3. If you choose to stream content make sure it's not caching anything on your PC or Mac or phone or whatever. Clear your temp files frequently. If anything suggests you download it instead of streaming it's safer to avoid the site. 4. Assume all your activities are being monitored randomly. If you're a porn fan assume they're being monitored routinely. Know what sites you are going to and where they are located. Some sites, hosted abroad, open you up to more surveillance possibilities. If anti-porn groups are monitoring they may have a different set of restrictions on what they can and can't do than government agencies would have. The nightmare is probably anti-porn groups working with government agencies in a way that their overlapping restrictions are much less restrictive. There will be major litigation on this at some point but we're not there yet. 5. Be careful. Going on the internet can be like taking your debit/credit card out and laying it on a busy sidewalk and turning your back for 10 seconds. A lot can happen in 10 seconds.
That doesn't sound unreasonable to me. If the new spouse believes deliberately seeking out a random or many random partners to cheat with reflects an element of that person that they wouldn't have married to begin with had they known about it, what is your reasonable opposition to that person getting a divorce? Seems like an odd scenario you would be opposed to. This is the type of behavior people want to know about when deciding to marry someone. You're grasping at straws here. You don't have to dig in and defend this position, but your hypothetical victim is not a victim at all other than to his/her own actions and deceptions.
Ashley Madison may have to kiss its IPO goodbye
When you google Ashley Madison you get a lot of people saying it's a pretty fraudulent site anyways. And that maybe a lot of the people posting are impostors. Esp. the women. So the 37 million figure is kind of hard to believe. Even for this sick society.
That's why the hack was done. The hackers assumed they could get a ransom for the IPO. This is a big deal at this point. Somebody is looking at 20 years if they get caught.