Corporate welfare doesn't get the base riled up as they don't care about this kind of spending. Welfare for minorities on the other hand...
Paddle the Bronx River Of course you need to check yourself for leeches when you are done.
Trump, PGA split after backlash over Mexican comments
hes a scumbag and if he became president he'd probably put his name in GIANT letters on the White House, the Pentagon, etc... just like every other shitty venture he oversees
Yep, his building in DC going up now is using tons of illegal labor. Also, his clothing line is made in Mexico and China. The useful idiots don't care though.
Yep, and then the country would go the way of... "Trump Entertainment Resorts has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, following construction of the $1 billion Trump Taj Mahal and in 2004, 2009 and 2014." With all the national debt already, the country definitely doesn't need Trump.
Trump is appealing to the same Republican base as Sarah Palin. People who love it when they insult liberals and moderates. Both of them say nothing but they're funny. And Palin makes a lot of money speaking to right wing groups and calling liberal stuffed shirts names.
I think Trump (democrat until 2011) is a joke but I'd rather vote for him than Hillary, who belongs in prison, can't be trusted and is a career politician whose stances are always whatever is politically beneficial, or the socialist. I like Bernie as a person, and I appreciate his leadership by example in obtaining campaign finances - just don't believe in socialism so - yea. As for Trump, nice to see a politician that doesn't bow down to the hysterical left. He is right about ILLEGAL immigration.
"Keep screwing (with us) and I'm going to make you eat your fucking words you lousy white faggot," said the Twitter account with the user name @ElChap0Guzman.
Well if Obama or Hillary were doing anything illegal you can bet your ass that the billionaires would find out about it fast and he'd be impeached and she'd be in jail. I'm sure the Heritage Foundation's PIs are doing overtime on both of them. As for Hillary and Bill this is what I think about them. They were both young lefties years ago who wanted to change the system. They were idealistic and wanted to get rid of things like poverty. And they were anti-establishment because they were young. But they're both smart and found out fast it's almost impossible to do. So instead of fighting the system and getting nowhere they joined up. But I've always believed both of them wanted to do good things for society. Like have affordable health care for everyone. Even though Peter Schweitzer with backing by a Koch Bros. affiliated group and supported by Fox News wrote a book ripping the Clinton Foundation because of all their shady dealings it actually like the Gates Foundation has done wonderful things for disadvantaged people. I admire both of them a lot. And if Hillary ever got on stage with Trump. She would eat his lunch.
How in the hell does a casino resort have to declare bankruptcy even once? You have to reallly fuck things up
So they wanted to change the system but figured they couldn't so instead they fell in line to take their payoff and you admire them anyway. LOL
So where's their payoff? And why should Hillary go to jail? If they did anything illegal the Tea Party would be all over it. They spend 24-7 looking for ways to get them. They funded the guy who wrote the book. Not hearing much about that recently.