This guy is an ass, I can remember seeing he got pulled over a few years ago and he used the "don't you know who I am " line
Speaking of fresh lettuce, Jared may just be the tip of the Iceburg of the child molester universe in the US and Worldwide. Anyone with a family should get this free app Offenders HD It provides street locations and mug shots of convicted child molesters in your area. Most of the guys look really creepy and many really old or women You would not believe the sheer number around NYC and Philadelphia .
Decided to check out the sex offender database to see if anyone moved close to me. Have 2 within a mile of my house. Changed the search parameters to 2 miles to see what would pop up and some people you look at their pictures and it just screams molester. Even if I didn't see this guys picture on that site I would still have suspicions that he wasn't quite right.
Subway ends their relationship with Jared and people on facebook are pissed
The guy made a movie where he simulated shoving his foot long into a mans mouth...butt that two men can's all good.
Don't be fooled, the NSA/CIA/FBI/DEA owns many poisoned exit nodes and are recording everything that passes through those proxies. Anyone who uses Tor without any other sort of masking techniques is asking for the government to come and knock their door down ala Mr. Five Dollar Footlong.
if this guy is guilty he's the scum of the earth. bitcoin is used for non-criminal activities too. the blockchain is awesome technology.
I'm sorry, did anything in my post suggest that I was in any way condoning child porn? I must have a very poor understanding of my own words.
Jared has been a popular spokesperson for Subway because he was different. Not a celebrity just an ordinary average guy. He was likeable and believable. So far there is no proof yet that has been put forward by authorities showing he was complicit. He fired the guy a month ago when he was arrested. But even if Jared's not involved. This is a small community and this guy was supposedly a citizen in good standing working for a charitable foundation. So it kind of makes you wonder what's going on beneath the surface in small town America. If kiddie porn and maybe even bestiality is being filmed in the guy's house and distributed out of a place like suburban Indianapolis. Did you ever see Twin Peaks? Maybe they nailed it.
They must be using something because the links are right there for everyone to see. I was curious what the "Hidden Wiki" was and once I went to it I quickly saw links to bomb-making tutorials, cyber attacks, hardcore drugs, chemicals, and child pornography. Apparently, anyone can edit it. I just got freaked out and disconnected right away lol.