Good job by Murph The team's starving for base runners and runs and he gets his ass picked off right away. Murph, where the fuck are you going!?
As is stand right now this isn't a major league lineup. Might as well throw Conforto in the pool and see if he sink or swim.
Yeah, that was bad. Coming off of the bounce back with the good pitching, and then the spark of the Matz Debut it sucked. The Cubs proved they're the better team right now. And we're reeling with the injuries, and lousy play. They're looking far away from the teams ahead of them right now LA and SF....uh oh
There is a very good chance in about a week we could be out of it. Don't bring up Conforto into this mess.
I don't think position players are like pitchers where if they come up to the majors and don't perform well it would damage their psyche.
I think it could esp when the guy is only in his second year in professional baseball. Esp going into a bad situation like this. As you see with the Mets hitting is a mental thing even more so than physical. This guy isn't going to turn it around. But if they bring him up I'll be rooting for him big time. IMO you have to replace more than one minor leaguer presently on the MLB roster. The answer for 2015 is not in the Mets org.
Delmon Young was just reassigned by the Orioles similar to what happened to Dylan Gee. They are trying to trade him to a MLB team and said they think they can deal him. He only makes 2.25 mil for this season. He's currently hitting .270 but with only 2 hrs and 16 rbis. Not good by their standards but for the Mets ok. Last year he hit .302 as a reserve outfielder. He's a lot better than what they have.
I think so.. Proves that not only can this team not hit, it has no idea what hitting is. This is a systemic issue and starts with Alderson/Wilpon and Katz..
less than a 5% chance of happening in other news:
I keep searching the Internet regularly to see if the Mets have made any kind of a move. And to try and understand their logic. One article said that the guy Sandy is really after is Russell but that the Cubs say he's untouchable. Not sure about compensation but possibly one of the five. So if this is true it's kind of a showdown and a battle of wills. The thing is the Cubs could blink before the Mets on this. Because Theo and Hoyer might make a deal they don't really want to if it means it would keep them in playoff contention. And Sandy will hold onto his cards until the bitter end even if it means no playoffs.
Kershaw no-hitting the Mets? If anything Greinke is going to do it tonight. Bringing up Conforto will just be a tease...he'll hit well to start and then fizzle out because he's not ready. We want to trade for Zobrist bad but now Athletics are competing and will probably hold back on letting him go
Noah goes 6 and allows 2 hits and 1 run to a potent Dodgers lineup on the road. Honestly? Trade Harvey to Houston for some offense. What is the point of hving 4 ace pitchers and no offense? Harvey won't stick around when he becomes a free agent and has already stated he wants 200 mil and Derek Jeter's lifestyle. Pass. Trade this guy for some offense. DeGrom is the #1 with Syndergaard set to be just 25 when DeGrom is 31. Matz is a promising lefty. We need bats and I'm not trusting Sandy Alderson's scouting to get us them. “I could buy a place now, but I’ve gotta wait for that $200 million contract,” he said. “If I’m going to buy an apartment, it has to be the best apartment in the city.” - Harvey 2013
Tremendous job by him on the road like that. The pitching staff is poised to be, if not the best, one of the best, dominant staffs in MLB. Hopefully they can tweak the roster to keep them in it this year, maybe have a good second half. That's what I'm expecting at best. Just because the media is clamoring does't mean they'll act on that. If they turn it around next year, and become a top team year in and year out, this will all be forgotten. But, next year I expect to have a complete Major League Roster with clearly defined roles for everybody on it. Anything less is unacceptable. The Coupons gotta fork up some dough. If their thinking is that they won't invest in the team until they start making more money with fan interest; by using gimmicks, and bullshit predictions, part of me hopes they fail.