I'll update this as the stories come in. These are the ones I found for this month, didn't feel like going back further. http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/story/2...r-gets-cpl-to-protects-self-fires-at-suspects http://www.chron.com/news/houston-t...-trying-to-rob-her-at-gas-station-6310677.php http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...rob-one-dead-one-in-critical-condition-video/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...-intruder-for-the-second-time-in-four-months/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/convicted-felon-kills-armed-robber-potentially-avoids-gun-charge/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/home-invader-gets-shot-by-homeowner-and-sentenced-to-life/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...ps-man-who-started-firing-shotgun-inside-bar/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/three-robbers-no-match-for-armed-store-owner/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...-defies-no-guns-policy-and-it-saves-his-life/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...pping-the-suspect-with-perfectly-placed-shot/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...-find-suspect-who-entered-through-doggy-door/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...me-female-concealed-carrier-inside-says-nope/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...e-invader-being-shot-and-killed-by-homeowner/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...-two-other-suspects-leave-their-buddy-to-die/ http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/detroit-coney-island-employee-shoots-kills-armed-robber/33697360 http://wate.com/2015/06/15/1-person-killed-in-shooting-at-knoxville-convenience-store/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/elderly-man-defends-himself-after-second-home-invasion-attempt/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/detroit-woman-saves-herself-from-carjackers/ http://concealednation.org/2015/06/...-mass-shooting-in-georgia-store-saving-lives/
http://crime.chicagotribune.com/chicago/shootings Over 100 victims of gun violence this month in Chicago alone.
File this under the "No shit Sherlock, where'd you park the friggin squad car?" (no slight at you Bro, just those that think we need More laws)
thats my old stomping grounds. usually pretty quiet over there, every house is armed and everyone knows it. guy must have been off his rocker
Who'd disagree with that. These guys should have guns. And thank God they were armed. Both were legally registered, trained and qualified. The husband was an ex-Green Beret.
I would just like to note that if he had been carrying in the shower like @Dierking suggested people do he may not have even been wounded.
In all of these examples these people should own guns (if that's what they want). They are qualified, trained and responsible. You can find thousands of posts about good guys with guns. I wish one of them had been in the church in Charleston two weeks ago. And a lot of other places, too. But the rules, regulations and background checks should be much tighter. And most importantly enforcement. And getting a gun should be tougher than getting a driver's license and in a lot of places it isn't. As for voting that's another story. You shouldn't have to jump through hoops to vote but you should to own a gun. In that way we only have (to the best of our abilities) good guys owning guns. This also goes for gun safety. People owning guns who are untrained---there are accidents. And innocent people can be killed.
PCL i love what you're saying and i love that we have such a system here in Canada. But i think it's too late for the states. You guys have TOO MANY guns in circulation. At this point you literally would need to start taking peoples guns and kill thousands of jobs doing it. I honestly would like to see the gun violence in the U.S. come down to the same level as the rest of the first world but i honestly do not see a solution. Industry would need to be created to offset the loss of jobs in the the arms industry and i almost think you would need large sums of people to voluntarily hand in some arms. Something MASSIVE and probably unconstitutional would need to happen to majorly turn the tide on this.
There's 310 million estimated guns in the US. Even like with the Mets it's never too late. I'd love to see mandatory training for new gun applicants. You have to take a driving test why not a gun and gun safety test. Since both cars and guns can kill. So that in the future we could have a more responsible gun culture here in the US. I don't see by having more effective gun control how that would cut jobs. It would just mean a safer and saner country.
If you are trying to cut down the amount of guns available and easy start is to cut off or down production. That kills jobs. I am and always have been 100% on board with the training and licensing idea (it works up here). But as people will point out with so many guns available at the ready ti si hard to keep them out of the wrong peoples hands.