they're probably crossing the border as we speak. I'm sure they won't pass the background check though so we're good.
Statistics in regards to rape in the US v UK ain't that much different. Shit, in the US, rape culture is a huge thing. Most of the gun deaths, aren't just inner city gang bangers, in all actuality - white on white murders happens just as much if not more than black on black murders. This black on black crime thing, is a myth. Doesn't matter what color you are, Americans killing each other. I think inner city gang-banging is an issue, but the fact that gang-bangers are coming together in unity to stop 1 common foe the police, tells you a lot.
Well, if like the militias you decide to take the law into your own hands you can make the call on whether you pop the cop or not. Then we have the Wild Wild West which is what some gun lovers want. Or you can accept the law but try to improve it. Like for example only recruit guys who should be cops not outlaws who want to be empowered. People that respect the public and really want to help. And there are a lot of them. Non-racists. And have tougher standards and route out the terrible attitudes and the bad apples. Which means a lot of cops will have to take early retirement or get fired. I'm not for anarchy but I'm only a minority voice an this board.
What does Criminals uniting to combat law enforcement tell us other that they are taking advantage of the simpletons who believe the media narrative that the criminals are victims so that they can benefit. The American mafia did the exact same thing -- separate gangs uniting to prosper and undermine law enforcement. That wasn't an indictment of law enforcement and either are gang bangers; both groups are simply serving their own purpose. The existence of white on white crime doesn't make black on black crime a myth.
Murder is murder IMO, to coin dumb phrases such as "Black on Black Crime" that is stupid - especially when other races are killing other at the same rate. Shit is a myth.
There is black on black crime and black on white crime. And also white on black crime. The worst thing is if the cops are the perpetrators. Because they are supposed to be on a higher level and an example to all of us. Let them do their job because their lives are on the line. But if they are worse than the criminals then they have to go.
Like I said before, crime is crime - to classify and coin terms such as that is pretty stupid and a media ploy to make one race look like a monster. Just like the Charleston killer, people call him "sick"; they forgive him for his actions. Black people are called "thugs" for their actions. What does that tell you? People are being judged by their race which is totally wrong. The media coined all of those terms. "Black on Black Crime" now has it's own meaning, it's poison, it's everything that's wrong with this country in regards to guns.
kinda like "black lives matter"? I can't believe blacks are held down so much by the terms applied to black murders. Such injustice. Evil is evil. This white scumbag shooting up a church is as big a scumbag as isis cutting people heads off.
and yet nobody has a problem with trying to make changes to stop & disarm ISIS. But how dare someone bring up disarming the other guy
This guy should have been disarmed according to current laws on the books. No one ever argued he should have had a gun.
Eh, I don't really know how I feel about the whole "black lives matter" movement at times. It's a movement to get noticed, and stop police corruption [that also has white people supporting it]. Statistically, a lot of fucked up things happen to black people, but at the same time, we have to do better when it comes to interacting with the police. Like Michael Brown, the dude was completely in the wrong, but this movement supported his actions. There needs to be a little more accountability there. Every race suffers from police corruption. Fast forward to that pool incident, cop was totally in the wrong and didn't even apprehend the people that started the incident [they were white btw]. Evil, the Devil, whomever you call this entity indeed holds no color; no race. I agree 100% with what you say here. To blame all white people, completely wrong - that's not how I feel about it. That fucker shooting up the church, you can't say race wasn't a motivation factor because of those badges he wore on his jacket.
This kid bought a Glock which is a semi-automatic. So he could shoot a bunch of bullets at one time. Because of technicalities due to the fact that the gun lobby is powerful and rules and laws very flimsy he was able to purchase it himself even though he had a drug conviction. Because it's so easy to get a gun. The NRA doesn't want you to have to jump through hoops to get your guns. They want it to be easier than buying firecrackers at a South Carolina road stand. If there had been some road blocks maybe this kid wouldn't have been able to buy himself a Glock for his birthday. PS when reporters went to the gun shop where he bought the Glock. They were thrown off of the property and unwilling to answer one basic question: why did you sell it to him?
What technicalities allowed him to buy this when he should have failed a federal background check? I've been waiting for details to come out but you seem to have some details to point to the NRA having something to do with this? Please elaborate. Glocks are great guns. Most pistols are semi-automatic btw. Do you know what that means yet?