Look I'm the guy who hates guns. But if one or more of the parishioners had a gun they would have had a fighting chance to survive. It's true and I hate to admit it. But I'd rather have this guy dead than them. What about at these kinds of events having armed security (no uniform to identify them). He sits in the back for public events like this and watches everyone carefully. Of course it isn't easy to hire competent help. So no guarantee you'd stop the perp. Or maybe just one member of the congregation as a volunteer Security Officer. Armed legally. btw even if you're a gun lover and favor the NRA. They are against universal background checks even though a high percentage of their members favor them. The majority of gun owners want there to be rules and laws and are against crazies and morons owning guns. But how low can they get when one day after the shooting they criticize one of the people murdered because he was a state legislator who introduced legislation for better gun background checks, etc. At least have a little class and wait a week or so before you get into your self protection mode. It shows they care nothing about public safety and people.
I don't know what your point on this is. Because it isn't funny. And photoshopping is for morons. If I'm the mod you're off.
you don't have a fighting chance to survive if you are shot before you ever know you are under attack or are shot before you even have a chance to respond. the idea that simply having a gun means you will have the ability to use it if another person attacks you simply isn't reality. this guy wasn't looking to instigate a situation where he was going to give the people he wanted to kill the opportunity to line up and draw. more guns doesn't change the outcome likely for those killed.
Again I'm the guy who is against more guns. And hate the gun culture. But they have a right to own them. 2nd Amendment. This is crazy. Now I'm defending guns!
I think anyone with a mental illness should not have a gun, I think that's where things need to begin in regards to changing laws surrounding guns. It would only solve a small portion of problems, but IMO it would be a start.
I think we're all in agreement, gun lovers or gun haters. That we need better ways of identifying these monsters. So to me you don't kill this kid. You study him and others like him. And get all kinds of data. And try to build a model. Kind of like Sabre-metrics in baseball. When teams like Houston try to scout and identify traits of players and then put them in a database. And even write mathematical equations on them (algorithms). And some of those results are pretty remarkable. From there you go local to schools, hospitals and even the general public to educate teachers, doctors, etc on the characteristics of these types of individuals. And put a greater effort into stopping these kinds of events before they can ever happen. Of course nothing is ever 100% full proof. But you have to do something when you have a problem of this magnitude.
1. Media impact 2. Family ties That would be a good start. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...d-trayvon-martin-white-race-article-1.2263647
Media does an excellent job of creating a "race war" - so much that it influences people and can even make them violent upon act it appears
we aren't arguing whether they should have had the right to have a gun, we are arguing whether even if they did it would have mattered. 5 of the 4 were women I believe. what is the likelihood they would have been armed even if they were allowed to be? two of the victims were in their 70's, one in their 80's. It would have been real easy for the shooter to kill the members who were the most likely to fight back first and then pick off the rest even if they were allowed to have guns.
Look, it is very painful for me to even make this argument. Because I don't favor guns in public places. But they had zero chance being unarmed. If one member of the congregation had a gun there is no doubt they'd of had a fighting chance. He might have gotten off a few rounds but maybe someone would have shot him before he killed nine people. Also that's why I'm against automatic or semi-automatic weapons. When you can get off multiple rounds in a short period of time. There is no reason for having these types of weapons. You can go and kill a boar or a bore (like me) without them.
That wasn't what you stated initially. You said had they been armed the shooter is the only one who would have been killed. Beyond that, being armed doesn't give you a chance if you are killed before you can respond. How many armed US troops have been killed by supposedly friendly foreign troops that they were working with that didn't have a fighting chance because they were caught off guard? And those were trained soldiers.
Look, I'm not going to take the side of the people I oppose. I don't know if any or all of those parishioners would have been killed if somebody was armed. But there is a chance: some of them would be alive today. And that prospect trumps my hatred for guns in public places.
Nobody makes you violent. Unless your parents beat you or you're abused. But still no excuse because 99% of those unfortunate souls are non violent. The media doesn't make anyone violent. If you're going to say that then what about those super violent video games (like the ones our 26 year old loves) or Bruce Willis movies, etc. Those rioters in Baltimore throwing things at cops and some even maybe taking gun shots at them. It wasn't CNNs fault. It's on them. I couldn't believe just how nasty and mean spirited people could be.
they said the guy had to reload like 4 times. that makes plenty of time for someone with a gun to blow his head off. apparently he was a terrible shot in addition to a psyco asshole. even the threat of someone else pulling a gun could have had him running instead of reloading.
to me the whole race thing didnt make sense, even when I was a kid. My mom and others would laugh when I didnt like the term white people or black people. Ill always think we are all one people.
The icing on the cake was one of psychoboy's friends telling AP(?) that his original plan was to shoot up the local college, but changed his mind...reason being, too many armed security there.
I think it fuels the fire that's for sure. They were more than likely violent prior, but I think it was a motive in his killing [the media].