Don't totally agree with this. I think the media has been sounding off quite a bit about the Jets being at least a potential playoff team and even giving the pats a run for the division. As a Jet fan....I get the whole "the media does not respect us "attitude over the years. I also think few franchises in professional sports have given the media the ammo to do what they do best...either blow a team or bury and taunt a team. The Jets have not only given them the ammo but supplied the guns. "But we went to two AFC championship games"....ok. If I were the HC of the Jets I would starve the media this year. I would f up my opponents on Sunday and say nothing on Monday.
You're allowed up to 2 on each unit, I'd say Brick/Mangold and then Revis/Harris. Davis is a vocal leader, though, and you can't go wrong with Richardson either.
Lol it gets better and better with you. You're trashing Ray Lewis and Brees for being vocal leaders even though they are lauded as a couple of the greatest leaders in football in the past couple of decades and boosting up a guy that, what, does some film sessions with his DB group? Where are these quotes about Revis being the model of a leader? Gotta see that to believe it.
Richardson would scare me a little bit....he's starting to get the me-me-me Santonio rub, deserved or not. And Revis may be the best player on the team but I'm not sure that makes him leadership material. Davis might be a better choice just going back to how Rex described him as a true leader. Anyhow it will be interesting to see who gets named and if it helps.
I'd suggest you educate yourself in this area just a little bit since you have no idea what you're talking about and then join the discussion again. You're like an expert swimmer who's never been in the water. Again, go watch the footage on Revis until you at least know a little bit about him because right now you know nothing, go watch his Mic'd up episode, his football life episode, read the book that just came out on the Jets (doubt you read books, but there is also an audio book) overall what players and coaches say about him, being a team captain, an all pro his entire career, a role model on and off the field, how players admire him and listen when he talks. And then tell me again "a leader he is not". It's just hilarious.
Being the most talented player on your team doesn't automatically make you a leader. Being a captain doesn't even make you a leader - hell, Rex made Holmes a captain and the rest of the offense literally threw him off the field in the middle of a game (I love Rex, but making Holmes a captain might have been the dumbest thing he did with the Jets - and I said it when he did it). I know this, if there's one guy on the Jets I don't want other players emulating off the field, it's Revis (with Richardson, Marshall, Cromartie and a handful of others). I have no idea what he does (or doesn't do) during practice and games.
Who said that? And what terrible thing has Darrelle done off the field? What makes you say "don't be like THAT guy" to the other corners or players for that matter?
What? Why? I never heard a single bad thing about him off the field. You don't know what he does in games and practice, but you know all about him personally, okay.
If whatever quotes in this mic'd up episode are like the rest of your small minded argument in this thread, they probably are passing comments that you are exaggerating or even making up completely, fabricating out of thin air, because that seems to be the way you do things. Book that "just came out about the Jets"? Are you talking about Collision Low Crossers? If so maybe you can provide some actual quotes instead of just alluding to them, but I doubt you are even capable of that since you don't seem to be capable of much other than generic offseason rah rah threads
Its gonna take time to shake off the Rex Effect so be patient. I'm pretty sure TB will shut down the BS chest thumping and shit talking. You can see this when he so aptly reminded his "talkers" that the team was 4-12 and didn't win a damn thing so there's nothing to brag about. His predecessor OTOH, is just yakking away still up in Siberia. Give TB time to change the culture folks. We'll be back to being a professional team on and off the field in the very near future.
I don't care about your opinion, I don't care about your take on this enough to actually try to convince you. I set some things straight, that's it. Anybody that actually knows what they're talking about would be able to verify what I said. If you haven't seen the footage on Revis, if you haven't read the stories about Revis, then you just don't know what you're talking about. Don't act like you do. You know nothing about the guy and here you are claiming he's not a leader. Based on nothing.
I gave you the chance to support your argument with direct quotes, you failed. I know plenty about him, you just pretend to. Run along, slappy.
Dream Teams are a nightmare usually. I'd be happy if the Jets were just a Cool Nap. On the Revis as leader thing: it's really hard for people paid in the stratosphere to be real leaders unless they have their hands on the ball most of the time. You can talk the talk and walk the walk but if your walk isn't enough to put the team over the top it just doesn't matter. J.J. Watt will be the poster boy for this in a year or two if the Texans QB situation doesn't improve. A very tight clubhouse with a lot of vets can get you around this if they're collectively good enough to win but if you're paying a few guys in the stratosphere, well the rest probably aren't good enough to win. The Steelers won with that type of approach for years, a team-first everybody contributes mode in which the vets kept everybody else in line. Now they've got a few people making big bucks and even one of those guys is looking for more, looking for "what I'm worth".
Bowles is a breath of fresh air at this point. I like Rex a lot but if you're gonna talk you gotta back it up.
Plenty. Another word you have never looked up in a dictionary it seems. I think you're looking for the exact opposite, which would be "nothing" I guess in which case I'd agree with you 100%.
You don't know shit, slappy. Go hug your Revis blow up doll some more and tell him you'll protect him from the bad man.