And don't forget grenades, tanks, surface to air missiles, etc. I'm sure our NRA fans want those legalized too so they can go "hunting."
The idea of the laws is to try to weed out to psychos. The regulations in Ontario i spoke of way back on page four sway some to not bother (myself) but more importantly they give people with authority and responsibility (instructors, law enforcement, gun shop owners, gun club employees) the opportunity to intervene and keep dangerous people from obtaining firearms (legally at least). Yes there are still criminals and we do have some gun violence but nowhere near the amount you have. This idea that because people will still break laws so why have them is bullshit. If that is the case eliminate all laws and disband the prison system and the police departments. I am by no means trying to outlaw guns, just advocating setting up a system that tries to minimize them being the wrong hands.
Of course as I'm sure you're aware there are laws against sedition. Unless you don't accept that, either.
I just can't believe it. This sh_t has got to stop. And I can't believe it, in a Methodist Church...... this is just terrible. I hope the First United reaches out, this is just terrible, my prayers go out to them.
Up in Montana, Idaho, etc. you have your right wing militias (who are armed) with a sprinkling of Nazis and the KKK. I guess they have the right to bear arms, too. Of course their sworn enemies are us if you consider the U.S. government you and me.
Multiple posts in this thread have broken down to regulations won't stop crime but i directly pointed out how Canada has far more regulations and far less crime. You yourself referred to them as a road block. Obviously i was going overboard with the shut down the prisons but i was trying to make a point. Regulations work if they are national; (not necessarily federal but all states agree upon one set of rules). The gun show loophole needs to be closed. A licensing system needs to be set up 1) so people know what they are doing (like a drivers license) and 2) so instructors can try to weed out those with malicious intent.
OK - let's step back here. Can we agree on the purpose of the bill of rights? In your own words, what was the purpose of creating the bill of rights?
We have a totally different world view. I'm not going to disrespect it either. Imo those nut cases like McVeigh (whose pic I'm sure hangs up in many Idaho households) are terrorists. But to them he's a hero. Many of them are against basic tenets like paying taxes and abiding by the laws. They want to make their own laws. Or have no laws at all. So as far as I'm concerned sedition is against the law. Sounds like you're against that, too. That's the great thing about this country. You can be against the gov and state your piece. And a lot more than that. I'm against sedition and taking arms against the gov. There is nothing fascist about the USA. The Aryan Brotherhood etc are the fascists. Ps this goes for morons like Snowden, too. If he comes back they have to give him serious jail time. He's lucky they don't shoot him.
pclfan, the point was that intolerance is not the sole domain of the right wing but of uber-orthodox types whatever their particular stripe. An example: Sachs & Thiel, two Stanford grads, authored a book titled "The Diversity Myth" which took the warm 'n fuzzy progressive concept of multiculturalism in the curriculum and indicted it as an intolerant stifling of free speech under the guise of scholarly inquiry.
I agree. I'm a liberal but I don't trust them, either. I understand the right's hatred of them. They think they know what's best for you and that the proletariat are a bunch of morons who have to be programmed. But some of them do believe in democratic principles. And the right overreacts esp to some social programs that can help all of us without controlling you. Regulating guns and the environment doesn't have to be communism.
Look we all read Brave New World and 1984. We're educated in tyranny. But this extreme fear of totalitarianism. It just isn't there.
My Dad was in WWII and he saw the aftermath of death camps. Please dont attach victims of the Holocaust to your rant about having every kid on the block owning a handgun. As for the Constitution, the Framers also provided something called Amendments because they knew society could change in the future. And the future is now with all the uberviolence. If you believe something is wrong with people and their "dark souls" then why make it easy for anyone to get a gun? Just make it harder, whats so bad about that?
It's amazing how we have so many massacres like this and such a high gun crime rate and yet ppl still think guns r not a problem in this country