Just one more thing and it's about assault weapons. If you want to be a hardass about the nomenclatute be my guest. You can talk about automatic, semi-automatic, machine guns etc. I don't know much about them, true. I'm talking about weapons that can potentially kill a lot of people in a short period of time. Whether it be 60 rpm or 600. You don't need them. Unless you want to join a militia to fight the government.
You don't even know what they are dude. You don't know what you're talking about. They're also hardly the problem in the grand scheme. Oh and BTW part of 2A is the right to have a militia!
You're the one throwing out the insults and saying that there were already adequate gun control regulations on the book when in reality anyone can buy a gun without a background check.
You've made one good point this entire thread which I gave you credit for. Other than that you haven't much of a clue what you're talking about. I also said go ahead and close the gun show loophole, yet you continue to harp on some false narrative that I don't want any regulations. And beyond any of that - no regulation you've suggested would have solved what happened yesterday.
I don't see how you can read his argument as content with the status quo or opposition to gun checks. Perhaps you're too emotional to discuss this rationally. His argument is that government regulations wont solve these problems as long as the moral fabric in our society is continued to be pushed to non-existence. Government regulations are speed bumps not brick walls. Criminals break laws. If someone is willing to commit the crime of murder it is hard to argue they wouldn't find illegal means to buy guns to commit those murders, so the gun checks only slow down criminals they don't stop them. If you depend on government laws to stop criminal behavior just look at our prison system and explain to me why those people broke the laws despite the laws existing. Clearly having laws on the books doesn't protect society by themselves.
To some people, esp right wing militia fans Timothy McVeigh is a martyr. Sounds to me like Isis mentality.
If you have no laws on the books you can't do anything which is what ultra right wing wants. As for the moral fabric he's right.
Dude, you really need to pack it in already. Better to stay quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I don't think you know much about compliments, but feel free to voice your strongly held opinions about them nonetheless.
The argument isn't to not have laws on the books, the argument is that the laws don't change behavior in psychopaths determined to commit crimes. Sure, they play a part in dissuading most people, but we aren't the threats to society.
The one thing about the ultra right wing. They call themselves patriots and for freedom. But have no tolerance for any difference in opinion.
Such a meaningless piece of drivel. You could say that about the ultra-left wing. Or ultra-Jets fans. Or any other ultra-anything fanatic. It has nothing to do with the fact that you've been bleating on for pages about firearms you wouldn't recognize if somebody hit you over the head with them.
sometimes they go on very non-informed, ignorant rants over and over on message boards like you and look like fools
It's not just a small loophole but a big gap. That as the NRA desires makes any kind of gun control ineffective.