Idk that is other stuff that is irrelevant to the discussion. Like bringing up aspirin related deaths in a discussion about guns
Ban whatever you want. When a deviant wants to commit an act of violence, they will use anything to do it.
I'm amazed they gave him a bulletproof vest as they escort him out the police station. Im also amazed they are protecting him in jail too. They should throw him with the general prison population and just let shit happen to him. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
Little early for the death sentence, mute. He hasn't been convicted yet. It's not beyond the realm of possibility they got the wrong guy. I mean, if you subscribe to the general gun-nut theory that gubmint is corrupt and evil and cannot perform even background checks correctly, and further that you need to be able to arm yourself to protect against arbitrary abuses of power, you really can't just assume law enforcement is always right.
Hobbes is the best example of someone letting a political party control their thoughts, some of his posts are beyond desperation
if there are states that allow gun shows without background checks at gun shows I have zero issue with them being required. I thought that was already done everywhere.
As of January 2015- 33 states have no requirements related to background checks at gun shows. Only 10 states require all purchases to undergo a background check. It's a loophole. As long as you can loosely prove that gun sales are not your "principle source of income" you can be considered a private seller and sell to whoever you want. So they sell NRA hats, confederate flags, Earnhardt jackets, etc as a front to take advantage of the loophole at flea markets and gun shows.. We've all seen those booths.
Look, the NRA and gun advocates position that more guns means less violence. In terms of the church killings I can't dispute that. If members of the congregation had been armed they might have had a fighting chance. Or possibly maybe have armed security at these kinds of events. Sad that it might be that you'd need it at a church service or in an elementary school. I guess some people are against any kind of government regulation on almost everything. Even if it's supposedly for the general welfare of the population. They consider it basically communism. Most Americans are moderates who feel that in a country of 300 million you need a few common sense rules. Or else you have chaos.
Just one more thing about government rules and regulations. The extreme right wing (like the Tea Party) is against it in almost all forms. OK it's their philosophy and they have a right to it. But the reasons for a lot of this comes from abuses esp. by large corporations. Nobody is saying you want a rule so that we can control the population. At least I don't believe that. It's basically cause and effect. Look at all of the environmental catastrophes like oil spills because there was little regulation on big oil. There's been local situations, too like with chemical plants polluting waters, for example in West Virginia. Same goes for gun control. Esp. when there is an epidemic of violence in this country. It won't stop all of it but it's a logical step that many countries around the world have had success with.
They do have the death penalty in SC I believe. He'll stand trial and be judged by a jury of his peers. I'd be curious to see who's gonna fund his defense team. Some mysterious "patriot" I'm sure. It will be interesting to see if his defense team is made up of the best justice money can buy.
You can have your government regulation, and we do. You made one good point about the gun shows without background checks. Go ahead and button that up. It doesn't fix what happened yesterday. Short of putting a government agent everywhere at every time including individual households, churches, private venues, etc, the government cannot protect us from everything. We need to be able to protect and stand up for ourselves. A big problem we need to address as a nation is the deterioration of our morals, values and respect IMO. Why are we so quick to want the government to "solve" all our problems when we should first be looking at our selves? Until those ideals are moved back in the right direction no amount of rules and regulations will save us.
The median household income in Eastover was $20,114 and the median family income was $19,844. He's getting a crew of public defenders.
You're pretty fast with the put downs and the insults especially when you don't know what you're talking about. On this issue I'm not going to go down into the gutter with you. It's too emotional after what just happened in Charleston. I'm for the 2nd Amendment, too. We have the right to bear arms. But the Constitution isn't the word of God. And it's been amended. I'm sure as many of you have stated the federal government could fuck up a wet dream. But they can also do good things and you need laws on the books if you want to do anything. The status quo means you're ok with the results. Gun checks are essential.