Self Defense. From the Government. At least that's the way the Framers explained it.... And, which was the state of Judicial thinking until well after 1939. What was it Justice Joseph Story, author of "Commentaries on the Constitution" called the RTK&BA? 'The Palladium of the Liberties for a Republic" for without it, the others could never be protected... Or maybe you live in a Democracy...
For wild boar its preferred. I guess for coyote hunting it's good too. Although trapping and then shooting them is probably more efficient.
my point is mostly that you're a fucking moron. we have background checks. according to federal law the guy who committed this awful crime wasn't allowed to buy a gun. bad people don't follow the law. machine guns are cool but you need to get a special tax stamp to obtain one legally and it's a major pia. it is extremely rare that one is used in a crime. none was use in this case either but you're focused on it for some dumbass reason. you know what we should do? make killing people illegal. that'll do her. Read this. Know it. Love it. Live it. One document. Written by a handful of people in 1776, that spawned a country that kept the planet from speaking either German, or Russian, in the last 100 years. (Let's hope Chinese isn't next on the list.) Get back to the class, afterward.
It's funny..Black plastic makes a gun look "Bad" Black panties make a girl look "Bad" And yet..Men like to handle both as much as possible... Curious...
In some states you can buy a gun without a background check. At gun shows etc. You can buy them like you can purchase firecrackers. And you can buy assault weapons. And they have been used in mass shootings. So what the fuck is your point.
But in the 10 years since the previous ban lapsed, even gun control advocates acknowledge a larger truth: The law that barred the sale of assault weapons from 1994 to 2004 made little difference. It turns out that big, scary military rifles don’t kill the vast majority of the 11,000 Americans murdered with guns each year. Little handguns do. In 2012, only 322 people were murdered with any kind of rifle, F.B.I. data shows. The continuing focus on assault weapons stems from the media’s obsessive focus on mass shootings, which disproportionately involve weapons like the AR-15, a civilian version of the military M16 rifle. ... It was much the same in the early 1990s when Democrats created and then banned a category of guns they called “assault weapons.” America was then suffering from a spike in gun crime and it seemed like a problem threatening everyone. Gun murders each year had been climbing: 11,000, then 13,000, then 17,000. Democrats decided to push for a ban of what seemed like the most dangerous guns in America: assault weapons, which were presented by the media as the gun of choice for drug dealers and criminals, and which many in law enforcement wanted to get off the streets. This politically defined category of guns — a selection of rifles, shotguns and handguns with “military-style” features — only figured in about 2 percent of gun crimes nationwide before the ban. Handguns were used in more than 80 percent of gun murders each year, but gun control advocates had failed to interest enough of the public in a handgun ban. Handguns were the weapons most likely to kill you, but they were associated by the public with self-defense. (In 2008, the Supreme Court said there was a constitutional right to keep a loaded handgun at home for self-defense.) One reason: The use of these weapons may be rare over all, but they’re used frequently in the gun violence that gets the most media coverage, mass shootings. The criminologist James Alan Fox at Northeastern University estimates that there have been an average of 100 victims killed each year in mass shootings over the past three decades. That’s less than 1 percent of gun homicide victims.[/quote] Thats not the NR fucking A. Thats the NYTimes Linky (P.S. 40,000 people die from Aspirin each year...4x the number of firearms homicides. Should we ban Aspirin?)
The percentage killed in mass shootings is well under 1% for guns that are purchased legally. Background check or no background check. This idea that every gun owner kills people is fucking stupid snd it's a beyond worn out talking point used by the left.
After we get Aspirin off the shelves, and find a way to restrain the darker side of men's souls that makes them seek to rule.
There's too many guns. Not enough background checks. And no reason to sell assault rifles or weapons. This whole fucking gun culture in this country is fucking crazy. The rest of the world thinks that we're morons and they're right.
I don't know what that statistic proves. So what do you have against background checks? And good ones the way they do it in Ontario?