where are people legally selling guns at flea markets? why do assholes NEED the right to draw mohammad cartoons?
Freedom Fighters don't. Gun Registration, is the first step towards confiscation. Pretty sure the Men that fought and died at Concord and Lexington, would agree with the NRA. Just sayin..
Lol, the M-16 is a military rifle, fully automatic and not readily available to the public and extremely illegal unless several hoops are jumped through. The most popular "assault" rifles in the US are the AR-15 and the Bushmaster which are the civilian versions of the M-16 and are semi-automatic. _
Dude that's the cyclic rate. That's how fast it shoots one bullet, extrapolated. On Automatic Fire, the actual Fire rate, is maybe 1/4 of that. And in Semi Auto, you're talking under 60 rounds a minute... That's without considering trying to actually you know...Aim and hit something,
Plenty of research. Military styled semi-auto weapons are rarely used in crimes.... Handguns by far the most prevalent, I would think Shotguns come next.
He was wrong on that point anyway. Maybe actually reading the document he was referencing might have helped before he made the comment.
Everyone with common sense knows the answer is just background checks. Banning all guns and rifles is not and never will be the answer. We can make it harder for those who shouldn't have guns to get them, but we shouldn't make it impossible for law-abiding citizens who have never broken the law before to attain one. There's no legit reason from banning ordinary citizens from being allowed to protect themselves in any efficient way they deem necessary. The super strict laws will only prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. The people who commit mass murders don't care about the law and those laws won't stop them in the end. Why, in the damn state of New Jersey, am I not allowed to carry a weapon to protect myself? Terrorist groups want to kill me for my work. They actively encourage it. Sometimes I drive through some not so nice areas. It'd be nice if I didn't have to get beaten to death waiting for the police to take their sweet time and could just prevent anything from happening in the first place.
but we already have background checks. how would that have helped what happened today? his father gave him the gun.
There was an Assault Weapons ban after mass killings with auto or semi auto weapons but it expired. So you can get them. In some states easier than others. The question is: what do you need them for.
this could have been much less tragic if one of those church goers head been carrying. I hope the families of the victims can find peace.
this guy was using a handgun. like most gun crimes. feel free to keep focus on that shiny machine gun though.