Sometimes I don't know if you're joking or not but if you're serious could you suggest what type of gun control would prevent this stuff? Some of the places with the most strict gun control are the biggest problem areas. Background checks aren't helping stop parents from making guns available to their lunatic children. Criminals don't apply for background checks. You aren't confiscating all the guns. So realistically, what types of things could be done?
What rules and regulations are realistic solutions? Here's somestats on homicides by gun type FWI. Rifles (all types combined) are a small fraction of gun crime. It's a bit outdated, but I doubt it's changed much since.
Dude. We've plowed this field before. Newtown isn't some squirrel eating backwater filled with paranoid idiots. Its Fairfield County. That's part of western civilization. People that live there work in Manhattan and Stamford. Nobody normal who lives in that part of the world, after such a horrific senseless tragedy, has your attitude towards guns. Just trust me on this one and move on.
ha. Dude, there are TONS of people in Newtown still arguing against gun control. Not accurate numbers of course but its about 50/50. A bunch of soccer moms started a group that went to Washington etc after 12-14. The problem is they went overboard...basically wanting every gun ever made to be eradicated. The other people in town are the ones who of course say that they are normal, law-abiding citizens who should be able to own guns. I cant say that I disagree with either group. But I can tell you this town is VERY divided when it comes to gun control.
Fuck. Well, I'm the asshole then. Apologies to Notash, and his squirrels. My solution would be to make everyone in the chain of supply, from the manufacturer to the retailer to the end user, strictly liable for the carnage wrought by handguns. The free market will weed out the idiots who have no need to be packing, of that I'm fairly certain.
My brother in law is th efire chief in Newtown...he was a first responder on 12-14 and he is very muh in favor of 2nd amendment and whatever or however you want to translate that. he carries a gun on him at all times. Not that he needs it in Newtown.....well.......anyway, hes born and raised here, as is my wife. They are " old school" Newtowners when it was a bit more rural and alttle less developed around here. Over the last 20 years or so a toally different Newtowner came into existence. The ones Dierking is talking about that work in NYC etc.......Those folks all seem to fall into the anti-gun group. Interestly, a very high percentage of families who were victimized on 12-14 were not life-long Newtown residents. Most had moved into town the 1-7 years leading up to 12-14. This town still very much feels the ffects of the tragedy...theres still kids in therapy, theres still teachers in therapy, cops, paramedics, moms, you name it. But again, there are tons of Newtown residents who ran out and bought as many guns as they could on 12-15 . Now you know. Its a town of about 28,000 people FYI
youre not an asshole...Im surprised a little myself that theres not more anti-gun folks around here. And youre reight, this is not a squirrely or whatever you said town Very educated....prolly about 120k household income and all that shit. there are also people in this town, and I know a few of them, who when something like this church shooting happens, revert to 12-14 and lock themselves in their houses for the next 3 days. Its sad. Brutal
Over an extremely long period of time after all the guns that exist today are off the street that could work if technology weren't a factor. As it is 3D printing will soon be a big issue in this area. Not sure what will come of that but I don't see how big gobment saves the day on that one. I'm sure they will enjoy using it as a tool to control more and more though.
No assault guns period. Strict rules and regulations on background checks. A federal database. Kind of what Toronto Jet talked about in Ontario. Go to places like Canada with successful programs and copy them. You can't just walk into a place get a gun and walk out with it ten minutes later. Also no guns in public. Not just to curb the crazy stuff but to prevent accidents. Guns go off esp when people using them don't know what they're doing. Nobody's telling you what to do or that you can't bear arms. But considering the society we live in there have to be some common sense rules.
Yet somehow the rest of the world manages to keep idiot parents from giving their bowl cut psycho children enough guns and ammo to start a small war. Why are we so special?
oh "assault gun" ... oh goodie a new type of gun! we already have this. could you be more vague? how does this prevent reject parents from arming there lunatic children? where can this be done? lol - yea ok
American exceptionalism? the moral fabric of our great nation has long since passed. we have a massive lack of morals, family values and character and the left keeps pushing that envelope in favor of gobment being our dadies. make whatever laws you want, we're probably past the point of no return on most fronts.
This is fucking stupid to be honest. Let's make every alcohol company responsible for every person who drinks their products and drives or does something dumb while drunk! Let's make every car manufacturer responsible for every idiot who does something dumb in a car or truck! Burnt myself cooking popcorn the other day. We should probably throw the makers of the cooking oil in jail and the makers of the pot I used and hell, even the makers of the stove. While we're at it, let's hold Airbus responsible for that jackass who downed Germanwings Flight 9525 and Boeing for 9/11.
Bleh. You want to do something about gun violence in this country you need to do something about the guns that are actually committing the far majority of the crimes... Handguns. But nobody wants to deal with that shit so we'll pass some other bullshit magazine limit on "assault rifles" while inner cities continue to be a war zone. Problem solved, right?
Well I don't pretend to have any of the answers. Smarter people than I am are banging their heads against the wall especially when they have to deal with people like you who say nyet to everything but have no answers of their own. Btw I even sent you a picture of the most popular assault gun the M-16 but I guess show and tell isn't enough for you.
m16 is a rifle. the overwhelming majority of gun crime is not with rifles. thanks for the photos though.
Dude you can go to a flea market and walk out with a freakin semi automatic weapon of war like nothing. I own shotguns myself, I grew up with them and the occasional hunting rifle, I love to hunt to this day! etc.. even saying all that I personally have no need for these high powered high output rifles we see people buying. and guys like me and you respect the ability of these weapons.... But it's important to note that a lot of people don't My dumbass 19 year old nephew for example, who never shot a gun in his life, who grew up and currently lives in a city with his dumbass father who also has probably never shot a gun, was able to get his hands on a freakin high powered / high output rifle online. (Idk exactly what it is, an M16 maybe) why the FUCK does he need that? So he can impress his stupid ass friends? So he can take it with him on vacation to the family farm and struggle shooting it once or twice a year? A weapon of war in the hands of practically a child who knows nothing about it and barely knows how to use it!! Now extrapolate that example of my nephew times like a million. Throw in some mental illness here and there maybe a whore ex girlfriend or two that we all run into in our lives and you have what we are seeing today. That's why we need to make changes. Not cause the "govment" wants to control us
Actually, it sort of does. Implied, is the ability to provide the type of Arms that may be carried by a soldier, in conflict. However that's a minor point... The Constitution goes quite a bit further. The Constitution, acknowledges the civilian ownership of warships..... Article 1 Sec 8....