Religion - a respectful discussion, for those interested

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Truth4U2, May 2, 2015.

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  1. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    "The Database of Publicly Accused Priests does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. The reports contained in the database are merely allegations."

    So those are just allegations. That means they have not been convicted. That's all I've seen too, just allegations.
  2. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I was going to post that the other day.

    Most likely bullshit claims trying to shake down money from the innocent Catholic Church.

  3. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Honestly, shut the fuck up.

    Of three accused priests, one commits suicide, one admits rape

    On June 15, 1992, a 26-year-old man provided a legal statement accusing three Diocese of Lafayette priests of sexual misconduct against him in the 1970s and 1980s.

    One of those priests, Ronald Lane "Jean Paul" Fontenot, pleaded guilty and was convicted in 1986 of statutory rape in Spokane, Washington, where he was transferred for counseling after he was placed on leave in Lafayette in 1983 when a civil lawsuit was filed.

    A second priest, David Primeaux, admitted in a 1984 psychological evaluation that he started abusing children in 1980 at St. Benedict in Covington. The Diocese settled a lawsuit in 2000 in which Primeaux allegedly admitted molesting a boy while serving at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Milton in the early 1980s.

    Primeaux left the priesthood in 1985 and later got married. When some of his victims confronted the wife of the priest-turned-professor in Virginia in December 2012, he committed suicide.

    The final priest accused by the young man is the Rev. Gilbert Dutel, who today serves as pastor of St. Edmond Catholic Church in Lafayette.

    Related: Alleged abusive priest serving in Lafayette

    The 1992 victim's statement and a 1995 affidavit by Abbeville attorney Anthony Fontana Jr. alleging sexual misconduct by Dutel were included in a recent investigation by Minnesota Public Radio.

    Diocese of Lafayette Bishop Michael Jarrell issued a statement to The Daily Advertiser on Tuesday saying, "Many years ago, unproven allegations were made about Father Gilbert Dutel. An investigation took place back then which considered the totality of the facts available. No new information exists that warrants any action by the Diocese. In the absence of any contrary information, Father Dutel remains a priest in good standing in the Diocese of Lafayette."

    Dutel also issued a statement Tuesday: "The diocese, under Bishop Harry Flynn at the time, examined the claim. Upon completion of the process, it was found that the allegation was not credible and that I was innocent. I maintained my innocence then and I maintain my innocence now!"

    In response to a series of questions regarding Dutel and any investigation that may have been conducted by the Diocese, the Bishop's media liaison, Monsignor Richard Greene, said via e-mail Tuesday evening that he would discuss the questions with Jarrell on Wednesday. Greene has not responded to repeated information requests made Wednesday.

    The young man's 1992 statement claims Dutel, a family friend and priest in Abbeville, was the first priest to molest him after the boy confided in him details about being physically and sexually abused by his older brother.

    The young man claimed most of the sexual encounters involving Dutel occurred when he was between 9 and 11 years old, in the mid-1970s. The last, when he was entering ninth grade, occurred at the church rectory, he said.

    Primeaux was the second priest the young man said molested him when he became parish priest in Milton.

    "Father Primeaux was relatively young compared to any priest we had had in our parish before," he said. "And he was a kid's kind of priest, you know what I mean?"

    The young man, an altar boy whose mother was active in the church, said he and Primeaux became friends, playing tennis and sailing in the priest's boat. Primeaux taught him how to drive a standard transmission car and let the boy drive his sports car, he said. He loved it so much, his parents bought him an identical car.

    One day at the rectory the two worked until nighttime on the boy's car, shared a pizza and decided he would spend the night.

    "That night is when it first started and then after that it was just, I guess what you would think, sexual harassment after that," he said.

    Later, the young man — who said he was homosexual — met Fontenot, who was Primeaux's friend. The two priests would go the the boy's house for dinner or they'd go sailing together, he said. Once, when he was 15 or 16, both priests tried to have sex with him on the sailboat, he claimed.

  4. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    You asked for it, should I go on? There are thousands of them.

    Or just shut the fuck up.

    Priest convicted of raping boy in 1980s at Ipswich camp

    A Roman Catholic priest was convicted of five counts of child rape for assaulting a boy on multiple occasions between 1981 and 1982 in Ipswich, the Essex district attorney’s office said Wednesday.

    The Rev. Richard McCormick, 73, was convicted by a jury Wednesday in Lawrence Superior Court after a four-day trial, District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett’s office said in a statement.

    The rapes occurred while the boy attended a summer camp at the Salesian Brothers’ Sacred Heart retreat center in Ipswich, where McCormick worked.

    The victim, who is now 44, was between age 10 and 12 years old when the rapes took place.

    Rape of a child is a heinous crime,” Blodgett said in the statement.

    “It is a fundamental violation of a child’s innocence that can never be truly restored. My hope is that these guilty verdicts allows this brave [victim] to find some peace of mind, knowing that none of this was his fault.”

    Judge Mary Lou Rup slated McCormick’s sentencing for Dec. 18.

    McCormick was taken into custody after the verdict was returned, prosecutors said.

    Lawyer Mitchell Garabedian said that the victim in the case was one of his clients in a civil lawsuit.

    “By coming forward my client has empowered himself and made the world a safer place for children,” he said in a statement.

  5. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Just shut the fuck up.

    Oh, and he fucked sled dogs in the Arctic for good measure.

    This is the guy that we need protecting our children.
    Posted in: CrimePosted: September 12, 2014

    Catholic Priest, Defrocked, Found Guilty Of Raping Children And Bestiality

    A defrocked Catholic priest was convicted of 31 counts of sexual offenses for raping and abusing children and one count of bestiality for raping a sled dog in the arctic. Eric Dejaeger, 67, originally of Belgium, worked as a missionary priest for decades in Canada. He was found guilty in Canada’s Nunavut territory in Iqaluit. The defrocked priest’s trial for raping children and bestiality began in November, according to Yahoo News.

    The former priest was convicted of 24 counts of indecent assault, two counts of buggery, one count of unlawful confinement, three counts of unlawful sexual intercourse, one of sexual assault, and one count of bestiality, according to CBC. Justice Robert Kilpatrick’s September 12 ruling consisted of a massive 212-page judgment, according to Nunatsiaq Online, which has been uploaded to the internet.

    The victims include 12 boys and 10 girls. The canine victim was sexually abused in front of two children.

    The defrocked priest originally pleaded guilty to eight of over 80 charges. Unfortunately, because the sex abuse happened decades ago, Justice Robert Kilpatrick ruled the evidence had been weakened.

    Dozens of victims of child rape from the Inuit hamlet of Igloolik testified against the defrocked Catholic priest, according to Yahoo News.

    Dejaeger, while acting as a missionary, coerced the children into sexual acts and then raped or molested them by threatening them with eternal damnation and separation from their families if they told anyone of his atrocities against them.

    Dejaeger worked alongside Igloolik Catholic priests from 1978 until 1982. He eventually acquired his Canadian citizenship.

    According to Nunatsiaq Online, the Belgian press called him “Pater Pedo.” In a separate case, Dejaeger also faces additional charges in Edmonton that pertain to his time spent at Newman Theological College. Malcolm Kempt, the former priest’s defense lawyer, said that that additional case is likely to be wrapped up early next year.

    The defrocked priest was also convicted over two decades ago for sexually assaulting eight Baker Lake children in Nunavut, but he was only sentenced to five years in prison for those offenses. Once he was released, more allegations from other victims arose. He rushed to Belgium to hide from facing the additional charges of raping children, but he was arrested in his home country in 2011 on immigration charges and returned to Canada. The defrocked priest remained in custody from that time until the present for his crimes of raping and abusing children and bestiality.

    BeastBeach likes this.
  6. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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  7. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Hey Truth--here is a link to over 400 priests--most of them Catholic--that have been CONVICTED of sexual abuse of children.

    At what point do you admit you are defending a bunch of degenerate scumbags.

    Seriously shut the fuck up.

    Christian Priests Convicted for Sexual Abuse
    A regularly updated list of priests, ministers or any clergymen caught or convicted of sexually abusing children in some way, shape or form. Priests who have been merely accused of sex abuse are not included in this list. Only priests legally convicted for sexual abuse of a minor or priests caught having any kind of sexual relations with children are included on this list along with their crimes and why they were convicted.

    Catholic sex abuse is, unfortunately, a very common crime around the world due to the immense amount of trust placed in men of "God", so the more you can raise awareness of the reality of this danger the better. There is nothing "okay" about Christian sexual abuse, so here are Christian clergymen who have betrayed their flock and their faith.

    Who are the Catholic priests convicted of sexual abuse? Take a look here for who these heinous criminals are.

  8. Charlie Kelly

    Charlie Kelly Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Ha I saw that link but I wanted to make sure it was legit so I googled a bunch of the names and they all showed up in the site I posted with conviction notes and supporting articles

    I can't believe he has the gal to say no priest was ever convicted, he researched anything else even if it was bad sources.

    This is why I think he's a troll, over the top rhetoric and easily beaten arguments, he is like the religious version of nyjunc, there is no way he is real
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  9. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Lol @ the fucking sled dogs part. Oh lord.
  10. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    The lie is the link you posted "proving" your assertion. It shows a ten year period with an average of only eight cases a year deemed credible but requires the complainant to still be a minor. In a similar ten year period, the vatican itself, according to its own UN Ambassador, defrocked 848 priests and sanctioned another 2500 for raping or molesting minors and those were only the cases that were directly adjudicated by the holy see itself not the tens of thousands judged on the local level. Do you believe the Archbishop actually exaggerated the number of priests found guilty by their own judicial system?
    Charlie Kelly likes this.
  11. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Vatican must also be penetrated by those pesky Stalin spies.
  12. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    First, just because science has yet determined all that came about over 13 Billion years ago does not mean that your imaginary friend exists. You have not produced any evidence to the contrary, and no you saying it is your faith that proves it is not proof. This will just be another thing that the catholic church will have to change on just as the did on the Big Bang and evolution. Once scientists figure it all out the church will say, Uh I guess you are right.

    Also I would appreciate it if you did not mock The Flying Spaghetti Monster. At least there is a scientific explanation which proves his existence.


    May you be forever touched by His Noodly Appendage.

    So on to your supposed scholarly list of articles that are supposed to prove masturbation is harmful. When you type ina search term you might want to bother reading what the search pulls up because most of what you listed are articles that talk about the health benefits of masturbation and the other half were from the late 1800's and early 1900's. ONCE AGAIN YOU HAVE PROVED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    I would have thought that you would have learned from your previous link that was supposed to show masturbation was bad but when you actually read it, your guy says he could not find one link saying it was bad. Give it up, YOU ARE WRONG.
    #412 The Waterboy, Jun 14, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
  13. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I know it has already been posted but since you just seem to not respond to many posts that prove you are wrong, here it is again. 100's of convicted priests.
  14. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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  15. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    Q: was it a female dog he was dogging, or was it a male dog dogging him?
  16. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    While those cases are indeed terrible, and indefensible, they are the past. The distant past now. It's been over 30 years since a Priest has committed a crime. Those cases that Stokes keeps digging up happened in the 1980's, or earlier. There might have been one from the 1990's, if I recall. This is the year 2015. The Catholic Church has tightened up its borders, made it much harder to get accepted to its seminaries. There are strict regulations, extensive psychological testing, background checks, etc. Those sickos could never infiltrate the Priesthood today.

    As they said in that article I posted awhile back, the Catholic Church today is the safest place for children to be.

    So these Catholic bashers on here need to stop digging up stories from the distant past, and realize that the Catholic Church today is reformed, has tightened their security to prevent sickos from becoming Priests, and is now completely safe for children and families. Believe me, I was discerning the Priesthood myself, I know how tough it is to get accepted.

    So can we talk about the reality of what the Catholic Church is today, or what the Church teaches, and debate that? No sense talking about the Church 30 years ago, or going even further back, over 100 years, and talking about the crusades or the inquisition. It's all ancient history now. The U.S. used to allow slavery, should we continue to bash our country for that? It's ridiculous.
  17. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    So what you're saying is that Church is just like any other structure of power, makes mistakes and corrects them later.
  18. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Yes, exactly! Finally a voice of reason on here! I am so sick of all of the shallow, Catholic-bashing propaganda being spewed on this board. Let's have an intelligent, factual debate like I intended for this thread!

    The Church is made up of people, fallable human beings. If you're Christian, you believe that Jesus Christ was God in human form, so His teachings are infallible. And anyone who reads what Jesus taught in the New Testament will easily recognize the wisdom and genius of it all, not to mention how counter-intuitive and revolutionary some of it is, especially for the time period in which he lived and the culture of the people at the time.

    So the teachings of the Catholic Church, which have stood the test of time, are complete, true, perfect, and unchangeable. How those teachings have been applied by the Church, throughout history; or, more accurately, how individuals in the church have acted, these things need to be monitored and reformed from time to time. The error of the Protestants is that they changed church teaching rather than working within the church to reform its leaders and political policies. They "threw the baby out with the bathwater", so to speak.

    So thank you, RuJFan, for making a good point! :)
    #418 Truth4U2, Jun 14, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015
  19. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Wow dude you went from "only 4%" to not real priests, to not convicted, getting blasted in each of those arguments. And now you're resorting to this.

    And it is relevant because you are trying to act like the Catholic Church is above the rest of the world when it looks like it is the same or worse
  20. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Looks like I won that bet.

    As expected, it is YOU who has not added one piece of factual or truthful information to this discussion. Just some talking points handed down by your church elders about morality "do's and don'ts" bullshit that they themselves cannot adhere to.

    So with the posts above, I've given you factual truthful information.

    Not just one Catholic priest that has been convicted of molesting children--hundreds.

    I think you need to reassess who your hero's in this world are. But don't pull back the curtain too much, your whole existence might be shattered at what you learn.

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