this is a really tough one. for me it's between Rex and Parcells. I'm going to say Parcells and here's why. He set up the roster to live long after he was gone and enjoyed success while here. Yes Rex made it to two AFCCG and Parcells just one, but the train never derailed with Bill and the team was in a great position for years after he left.
U can include Hess in that pile of garbage U posted & since Woody is now a 15 season loser he also qualifies as a total POS
Parcells for the turnaround. Michaels for inheriting a sad sack franchise in 1977 and turning it into a playoff team in 1981 and 1982 with Richard Todd at QB. The NY media messes with the Jets enough that any coach is undermined on his way in the door unless he has very strong credentials or provides enough slapstick for them to tolerate his presence for a few seasons.
Thats why I picked Walt Michaels, who got screwed by that asshole Shula in the AFC Championship Game...
Yeah, I went with Tuna, but Walt is there too, for exactly the reasons you & Bradway said. That Shit will forever burn my ass
What? Better than Parcells? You're joking, right? I despise Parcells, but I can admit that with the possible exception of Walt Michaels, he is easily the best HC the Jets have ever had. Joe Walton was better than Rex. In some aspects, Mangini was better than Rex.
Parcells. Should have been Mangini, he built the foundation that got us to the AFC CCG's twice after he got fired.
Walt Michael's did a great job turning the organization around with talent, please take Joe Walton off this list he was a horrible coach, It basically boils down to Michael's and Parcells, but id have to say Parcells he set the the coaches to follow up with a. Winning mentality Jets team
I went with Parcells. Cleaning up after Kotite is one thing. Building a lasting foundation is another.
The Parcells teams and the play of Curtis Martin are the reason i'm a fan. As a young and impressionable lad i was truly convinced the Jets were a powerhouse franchise.
No love for Herm Edwards...? Looking at the list on Wikipedia... I've already got Bowles ahead of more than a couple of the clowns we've employed in the past. The Bruce Coslet era was particularly shitty...for a couple of reasons.