Of course she may have not gone on the date but then discovered her boyfriend had told a load of random people on an internet forum about it. So now he's single and hates the Jets.
You gave me one my favorite quotes that I still use to this day all the time: "You make dumb people seem not dumb." _
What I mean is that it's probably a bunch of BS since the OP basically dropped an opening post and one small follow up post and hadn't been heard from since, that's the way a lot of troll threads get started
Its probably some guy catfishing your girlfreind,And how much of a gross homer can you be if it really was him you would let him take her out for tickets to a game?I mean really come on ....after he's done banging her are you gonna insist on her not showering so you can lick her?
She's really asking for your permission? Tell her yes so that she doesn't have to sneak around. No ubiquitous is correct. Here's your proof.
No I had it figured out much earlier but I figured I'd give the OP a chance to carry on the farce, he didn't Once the good jokes petered out around page 3 this thread stopped being worth reading