Nevermind--saw it on my iPhone. Weird, couldn't see it on my computer. Yes, a Sawzall works just fine on corks _
Sitting on the patio having Gin Rickey's and I'm not stopping anytime soon. Would have been my 30th wedding anniversary today. _
I always wondered how I would feel if something happened to my kids or my wife and it was their birthday or our anniversary etc. On one hand, dying is horrible and nobody wants to die early and wants to live as long as they can but now lately I am thinking maybe it is harder to stay behind once your loved ones passes away. You are a good man Stokes.
I was told I had to kill Stokes before I deserved those 12 virgins and I said pass. I hope Stokes knows what I gave up to keep him alive. But no. Stokes has to attack me all the time. He never appreciates me. Mehh. And also pehh.
Do you know what you get with 12 virgins? 12 mother's-in-law. I have TWO mother's-in-law and I don't even have a WIFE! _
Good point! I was thinking on switching religions between Truth's BS & this enticement of 12 virgins but now that you mention this.... I think I'll stay right where I am. Purgatory sounds better than 12 mother's-in-law
I believe the actual number is 72 virgins. Except its a mistranslation of raisins. It's almost worth believing in religion if some jihadi cocksucker wakes up in the afterlife to get gypped like that.
Appreciate America If you were living in Pakistan and criticizing Islam like you criticize Truth they would fry you already. You lie like always you perv. It is 12 virgins that I turned down.