Hey with all the deflategate BS going, I figured id post something positive for a change. Got my letter of acceptance to Wilmington University Nurse Practitioner Program. Im excited and cant wait. Ive busted my ass to get to where I am and I came from nothing.
Nice work Zace...You finally evolved from a Magikarp to a Gyarados Now go out there and mega evolve to a Mega Gyarados.
WTG Zace. The medical field will always need nurses at any level. Consider this though: Once you get your LPN, don't stop OR, try to get into a pharmacy school. They start at 80K so there is indeed "gold in them there hills". RN pays damn good money too. Just try to balance your goals against your ability to pay back your student loans and you'll do fine.
I graduted from drexel with a BSN. I got my degree in only one year and it cost me 25k....ouch. Turns out drexel is just as expensive as princeton. Id like to avoid that mistake again.
Just don't turn into one of them macho nurses who think they know it all. I have worked with many of them and it never ceases to amaze me.
Isn't a nurse a stressful job? Anyway I hope you want to really be a nurse and not just in it for money.
Ive been a nurse for 6 years now. Did charge nursing at 28. The stress comes mostly from the employers. We deal with pt satisfaction surveys and they are the death of healthcare in a lot of ways. Its never the people who truly need health care, that are the problem. Its the entitled seekers that cause the most pain. They want a magic pill for everything and theres no such thing. Try to explain the disease to them and they don't want to hear it. I pretty much exclusively do pediatrics now anyway. Some people find it more stressful, I love it. Theres less bitching and more optimism when dealing with kids, even when its terminal. Its very hard to understand unless you experience it.
Hah. My girlfriend is in a CN role over here in Perth and she's had massive trouble with a few of the women she works with. A lot of them just seem to be generally unsatisfied with how they ended up and haven't done anything to progress their careers, so they take it out on people who do. She says most of the male nurses avoid getting the women bitching about them, they know they'll get called out on it so they go for the other women. Well done though. A really difficult but rewarding profession.
It can be bad even when you keep to yourself. Say hi to the wrong person sometimes and another one hates you. I'll never forget the one night we had 3 male nurses, a male aid and one female nurse. It seriously was like the best night of work ever. I was charge, nobody fought with me about getting a pt, The teamwork was superb and we were all out of there 715 am.