Every player who was penalized cheated. And many more got away with it. And of course there was Atlanta who piped in crowd noises and got penalized. There's degree of cheating and deflategate was more serious than some of the others. Although giving a guy a chop block and putting him out for the season is pretty darned bad.
I'm actually completely ignorant on this. Could you please give me some examples of cheating in football, and how it was punished by the league? I want to compare punishment for the cheating in the past to what will be given to Brady Thanks
Pats sympathizers kill me. Ball were measured, they were tampered after they were measured, Brady is the qb. Thats it point blank case closed. Thats tampering. Measurements don't matter.
I don't know if you're serious or joking. But here's an article on some examples of cheating over the years. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/deflate-gate-a-look-at-nfl-cheating-and-gamesmanship-through-the-years/ Again there are game rules that say you can't trip players etc. and when the refs aren't looking a lot of players gets tripped. Obviously NEP is always trying to find an angle. Their fans call it competitive advantage except it's not competitive if it's cheating. I'm sure Belichick spends hours thinking of ways to break the rules. The problem is: he gets caught. If he's so smart they'd get away with it 100% of the time. The times they haven't it's been national headlines.
You are just fucking stupid. I thought maybe you were just trolling before or maybe a little misguided but you are just downright fucking stupid. Others can continue with you but you are just not worth the time. I knew it a year ago when I first replied to you, should have trusted my gut.
Great conversation. I should have known you'd have nothing intelligent to say (as usual). I'm a moron for even replying to you.
LOL, a dozen people have been perplexed, mocked and laughed at your answers for being the work of someone with an IQ having trouble breaking single digits. I will be able to get by without your moronic replies.
Like I said before the lower tier, the people who just spew out venom and say nothing constructive just that they hate the Patriots (who doesn't) and they want a max penalty and if you don't agree with them (because they're stupid) you're a traitor. Those dozen people I could care less about. I don't mind being in the minority and even like it if my adversaries are idiots.
I'm not joking at all actually. It seems you have a good grip on this cheating thing and I'd like to educate myself, honestly. I'm just asking for some examples of when the league punished a player or organization for cheating -- want to compare to what they will do to NEP. It sounds like the cheating is abundant in the NFL so it should be easy for you to provide some references Thanks
Personally I think that an illegal chop block or intentionally going out to injure another player is worse than deflating footballs. Both are against league rules, ie. cheating. I did provide a reference.
Wearing the wrong color socks or socks not at the right height is a rules violation and a finable offense = cheating. _
When you're trying to figure out what penalty he's going to get I think you have to compare it to what he gave out for other offenses including personal conduct. To me what Ray Rice did trumps Deflategate. You don't give 2 games for knocking your wife out and a season for deflating footballs. And there is no other way you can slice it.
Well, he didn't either..it was changed to life pretty much although he's back now. That would be ok for Brady too. I think he should get the same as Rice and Peterson especially since it's NE and they are always cheating. Of course I know it won't be..I'm guessing 6-8 games appealed down to 4.
Goodell fucked up when he gave Rice 2 games, when the video came out Goodell admitted he fucked up and gave him an indefinite suspension. Are you forgetting any of that or just intentionally ignoring it. _