Dude, like I told you a month ago, you can't help her here. If I was a young naive 20 year old with a delusionally optimistic view of the world, I'd tell you The Boy and The Starfish Story and implore you to save her. But from what you've told me, and from having lived in this world for many more years and being no longer naive and idealistically delusional, this woman needs professional help. You running into her on the streets every view weeks to offer encouragement or calling or texting her is not helping. She needs to get into a program for professional help. THAT'S the way you can help, to make sure she gets into one. Absent that, you're just enabling. Being a "friend", making her brownies, listening to her talk, cry, rant, having a coffee with her--that's just delaying her healing. _
Anytime. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst...This episode doesn't sound like its gonna end well. Hard lesson here to be learned if it doesn't.
OK one more thing. I can contact her sister. Should I go that route instead or just go with the popular vote and just move on? Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
Looks the same , slightly bigger but I meant contact her to inform her of her sister's problem. I figure a family member would be more helpful and effective in getting to her. Her family might not be aware as she lives on her own a little far from them. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
Hey, a lot of users posted some good stuff. I've never been through this shit before. If I look like an ass so be it but I'd like to know at least I tried. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
Move on, she is married to her job. Her depression can only be lifted by her when she decides enough is enough.
that's not the answer, if something is difficult then walk away. if you genuinely care about her, she is worth every bit of effort it takes to help her, barring doing things that become destructive to your life. You have to decide whether she is worth the inconvenience to focus the attention on her.
UPDATE: Well despite the popular vote I decided to listen to JetBlue for once and continued. I never ran into her again. I dont know if she still goes to class or w/e but I havent seen her. Monday was the last day of semester. This is different from the girl from last summer as in I always had her facebook and she gave me permission to add her before things went to shit. She has her father's business listed in one of her groups. Looks like a decent guy. I, stupidly, was thinking of contacting him to see if I can talk to him face to face. That im a concern friend and I worry about her health, something along those lines. I know many will shoot me down but just thought I'd drop that here. Whatever happens from there, I know I tried everything and after that ill be finished. Next week is FINALS week so im going to disappear for awhile. After that ill make my decision. I know, Jstokes, youre shaking your head.
You barely know this girl. You're not her good friend. It's not your place to decide if she needs help or not. You're being creepy IMO http://www.heartless-bitches.com/rants/niceguys/ng.shtml
This is an official kodak moment here but Showers makes a point you should really consider. You seem like a nice young man but at times, you come across as TOO nice and TOO caring. Where I grew up that was considered SOFT. Guess what? Those guys never got laid. They got used regularly though. No woman wants a soft man for HER man. Sorry, but that caring nice guy bit you seem to be working these days is a recipe for failure. More often than not, you're gonna find yourself in her friend zone instead of her bedroom. Now, I'm not gonna assume you're trying to get laid but most single men usually have that on their agenda. Men Friends Don't Get Laid. Its nice to care, but you seem to always take on these impossible missions and in the end, they don't seem to work out. You usually lose track of the girl in the short term. Has it occurred to you that the girl is losing YOU in the short term? Look, I'm not saying go into beast mode, but this kind and gentle man angle you're playing isn't working. This may sound old fashioned, but women still want a Man to be a Man. Not their buddy, not their doormat or their tampon. They have girlfriends to confide in so they really don't need YOU for that. They need YOU to be the kind of man they want to frankly, provide a good time both outside the bedroom and inside it. You're not their priest. You want to be their lover. Keep your eye on the prize and forget the friend thing. It RARELY works out. Nice guys don't get laid very often, but their "asshole" buddies don't seem to have that problem. Find that middle ground and you should start getting better results. Stop being a doormat, stand up and be a Man when you deal with women.
ouch. Nothing like a slap to the face to wake you up! I was honestly expecting these responses. I always considered her a friend. Trust me, I know women dont like SOFT but like I said shes destroying herself. My intentions from DAY ONE was to never be anything more as she has issues. I NEVER intended on getting vag. But yeah Ill throw this one in the garbage I swear. I wont continue any further. Whatever happens happens.
My advice to you would be.. .Start intending on getting the vag. The rest will work itself out. Trust me on this..