The only one in this thread making the claims you're mocking is you. Such a foolish stance you've taken here. Unfortunately for you, no one is surprised.
See how easy it is to troll this jackass? An obvious joke and he starts his whinny bitching followed by sophomoric insults (that are incredibly weak) followed by indignation followed by the obsessive compulsion to childishly get in the last word in. Wait for it. _
I cannot teach adults to read. if you took it another way that is on you. I have explained over and over and over again there are many layers to these cases. If the officers did something wrong they should and will be punished but that doesn't mean we ignore the criminals who were killed and what led to those deaths. the talk should be as much about repeat offenders fleeing from police as it is about how they died. That mother in Baltimore who slapped her son on TV had it right- she didn't want her son to become Freddie Grey and no parent should want their son to become a Freddie Grey.
Yeah, I really did write that, with tongue firmly in cheek, it's called sarcasm. But as long as we're verifying what people wrote, wasn't it you who penned "There are many bad people on this earth that this place would be much better if they were not here,,,,,,,"?
Right here: "Has it ever occurred to you that is these folks weren't committing crimes their negative interactions w/ police would go way down and they wouldn't feel the need to run from them after they have committed crimes?" I would remind you that there has been no evidence disclosed that Gates either committed a crime or was charged with same on the day he died in the custody of the police.
I ask again- where have I blamed the victim? you are confusing 2 different discussions. There needs to be reform w/in police dept's and we also need to discuss how these incidents escalated to the point of death. That's not blaming the victim but if they don't commit crimes OR don't flee from police they are all alive today. That's not blaming that's just reality. IF the officers were wrong they will deserve to be punished. Nowhere have I absolved the officers of blame. I just don't rush to convict them like most people do. You mean Grey? if he didn't commit a crime why was he running away?
You're going to get hurt with all the backpedaling you're doing but you still can't get it through your head that the deceased had every right not to accommodate the police when accosted on his final day alive. Call it fleeing if it makes you feel better but there is no evidence he had done anything to warrant being detained. If your local cops knew you had a history of speeding convictions, would it be appropriate for them to stop you for questioning every time they saw you driving?
I dunno.. I always thought the police restrained violent out of control prisoners for transport. Evidently this prisoner didn't fit the description of being out of control until he broke his own neck and crushed his own voice box.. I would be curious to find out in which order those things happened in. Did he snap his spinal cord before crushing his voice box or did he crush his voice box first, then snap his spinal cord. Somehow this kid got turned from Freddie Grey to Harry Houdini.
Glad you cleared that up for me Ralebird in the future I will be sure to ask you which of your post are tongue in cheek and which are not,,,,,,,just to be clear tongue in cheek in your world means sarcasm or not to be taken seriously ? As for this thread and this case it would be best for everyone to wait until all the facts and evidence come out
Dictionary tongue–in–cheek CloseStyle: MLA APA Chicago adjective Definition of TONGUE-IN-CHEEK : characterized by insincerity, irony, or whimsical exaggeration Welcome to my world.
Now apparently the BPD have added a phantom paddywagon stop and now have found that an injury in the back of his neck is shaped exactly like a bolt in the prisoner van like they hit the brakes too hard and he broke his own neck accidentally... This is the stinkiest investigation in history Anybody trying to exonerate police right now make me sick, this is a disgusting cover up