if he was a decent citizen not breaking the law and not running from police he would be alive today. I wonder what you would say if good ole' Freddie sold drugs to your kids and they died from an overdose?
My kids are law abiding citizens and none of them do drugs. But as a lawyer, an officer of the court I am charged with being dispassionate so inflicting a family member or loved one into the discussion is a nice red herring that I'll just ignore for the purposes of the discussion. _
People who allegedly sell drugs have no rights and are to be executed by the government immediately without a trial. That is what the founding fathers would have said.
the red herring is your asinine last post. again, I separate the 2 issues. the police issue and the criminal issue but BOTH issues need to be discussed.
I am sure he's innocent which was why he ran, probably innocent the 12+ other times he was arrested too. It's all the fault of the mean, racist police!
http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ba...ake-report-freddie-grays-death-public-n350846 What have you say Junc - 1, the guy is already dead. 2, the police won't release details.
His innocence or guilt is as irrelevant as his prior record. He was an American citizen and had rights. In America we don't execute citizens because we think they're guilty of something. There's a legal process.
lol - how close minded you truly are. They are prob still figuring out a way to cover this shit up. The people deserve to know the truth, they will never find out.
From what I'm gathering, the guy was arrested for a crime. He was acting like an asshole so the cops threw him in the back of the van without properly strapping him in, then they drove the van like they stole it to show him a lesson. Another prisoner was saying he was trying to hurt himself. But if he had been strapped in, he wouldn't have been able to do anything. Seems like its still on the cops.
yes, I am closed minded waiting for the facts not the guy that already knows everything that happened even though he wasn't there.
http://twitchy.com/2015/04/27/how-m...-dispatches-wh-aides-to-freddie-gray-funeral/ The government is fueling these race wars so that they can federalize the police force http://americanfreepress.net/?p=21599
Putting ANY of the fault on the victim is apportioning blame. Like the unarmed guy running away from the cop that got shot in the back. _
it's not irrelevant, all issues w/ regards to this case and others are relevant. we need to stop celebrating criminals b/c something bad has happened to them. and where did they execute this fine citizen?
the unarmed guy that ran away then got into a struggle w/ police. yeah, we should ignore that. this guy fleeing after dozens of arrest- yeah we should ignore that.
That's why I said--if all of these bad guys just stay in bed they would all be alive today. It's their fault. _