whoa that's an interesting take.. I personally don't think there will be too many people looking to incite the police to snap their vertebrae, to choke them to death, to shoot them, etc. just to become a celebrity.
I am not so sure, because I hear people talk about this issue at work and they have no idea why the riots are happening in the first place. These are grown ass people. So how many people really know what's going on? It doesn't have to be a big story, but to just put it out there for everyone to see, I think that's something that is very important. We can talk about Hollywood stars becoming transgender and all this stupid Kylie Jenner lip challenge bullshit but we can't talk about REAL issues happening to REAL people everyday people like me and you? C'mon man. This is media brainwashing to distract you from what's really happening out there.
the guy in Staten Island resisted arrest, the guy in SC ran, this guy ran, the guy in Ferguson attacked the police.
Do you think ignorant people become less ignorant when they see idiots destroying there own community on TV? Peaceful protests have been known to work in the past.
I think everyone deserves to know the truth plain and simple. No bullshit, no nothing. It would be nice to see the positive things black people are doing to try and help their respective communities - it would be nice for that to be televised. Perception is reality. The perception even before the riots, they weren't all that great. Where is MLK now by the way? Are people not fighting that same exact fight that he talked about then? To not be judged by the color of ones skin? We do that still to this very day. BTW, what MLK did was the right way to go about things, I wish this happened more today. The repercussions? Someone took MLK's life.
No one knows the truth in this particular case outside of the officers involved. This is one reason why all officers should have to wear body cameras. If you set your city on fire it will make the news and it doesn't help the cause of how the black community is perceived when it's a bunch of blacks on the news doing it. They aren't accomplishing anything positive by doing that. Nothing. MLK helped make very significant progress! The fact that his life was taken was a tragedy, he was a great American.
I absolutely agree with what you are saying there, the riots are awful and it creates an awful perception of black people. In regards to cameras, I know we had a discussion about that in the past, I am on board with that - hopefully it will work if that law actually goes through. MLK AND JFK both great men in history that wanted change and fought for what was right. As humans, we could have learned SO much more if they were here today.
Obviously nobody would do it with the intent to be killed; that's a specious Strawman. But you don't think the current media narrative that the police are racist scumbags and all of the suspects they apprehend with force are victims won't empower unreasonable criminals to believe no matter what they do the media will support their victim claims?
Idk.. maybe, but what good will it bring them individually? I mean sure the media might rally around the cause but its not like things are ever turning out great for the victims at all.
Celebrity, even if fleeting, has always been a desire for people. We aren't talking about rational people here or even semi-intelligent people; we are talking about criminals who then get applauded by their equally ignorant community for their actions.
Yeah, maybe something should be done about that. How about we load them on freight trains and take them somewhere and exterminate them?
It's totally irrelevant, as it would be in a court of law. He may have had a record as long as your arm, but what happened on the day he died is dependent only on what he, and a bunch of cops did that day. I still haven't seen a statement of why he was even accosted by the police. Has it occurred to you that people who have a history of being hassled by the cops, for reason or not, don't have much reason to hang around and wait for another encounter?
Did you really just type that ? How about we wait for all the details to come out and find out what really happened,,,,sounds like a crazy idea huh ?
Didn't the Nazis try something similar to that 70 years ago? BTW, did you hear the latest? Now they're saying Freddie Gray was trying to hurt himself. I wonder just how hard that would be shackled. Maybe he snapped his own spinal cord. I'm sure that's as plausible an explanation as shooting yourself in the back. edit: Just read that Gray was not shackled. This is really getting into some truly bizarre shit now. An Irate prisoner NOT shackled in a police van. Hmmmm.. The BPD sure do strange things down in B'more.. Not to worry, the cops will beat this one too. Just the way it is..
let's keep celebrating criminals. congrats drug dealer Freddie! you are a Hero! yes it has occurred to me that criminals that continue to commit crimes are nervous around police. Has it ever occurred to you that is these folks weren't committing crimes their negative interactions w/ police would go way down and they wouldn't feel the need to run from them after they have committed crimes?