There are many bad people on this earth that this place would be much better if they were not here,,,,,,,I don't know what exactly happened to this guy nor do you but it will all come out
Well, the dead guy isn't telling us his side of the story. Yes of course, the cops involved have every reason in the world to tell us the complete, unabridged story, come what may.
Maybe one day down the road, people might start to think BEFORE they act. People might start to understand that actions always comes with consequences intended or not. All those businesses that were looted employed people in the community. That Senior Citizens complex that burned to the ground was financed by a local church. Who did the "protesters" think they were hurting? They're damned lucky that the Mayor didn't greenlight those cops to restore order quickly. Heads and asses should have been busted just so the point of property damage and looting will not be tolerated was driven home. Lastly, KUDOS to BaltimoreMom! If other parents gave a shit, perhaps a lot of those teenaged "protesters" would have had their asses home.
They don't give a damn about the cause they just want their selfish fame online. so they can put it on you tube or instagram or some shit. Its a damn shame. It's impossible to ask them to think about the consequences of their actions.. we need more people like that baltimore mom
Unfortunately there seems to be a higher power in play here manipulating people into doing these things. And yes, kudos to that mother.
It is NOT irrelevant, if he isn't constantly involved w/ police and in this case running from police then he is still alive. the police brutality issue is a separate issue that obviously needs to be addressed as well but let's not allow the actions of a criminal to go unnoticed. That is a HUGE part of the story as it has been w/ all these cases. we need to be Just as upset why these folks are fleeing from police as we are about what the police are doing. there are many layers to all of these incidents and all need to be addressed.
he doesn't have the right to flee, when he does he puts everyone in jeopardy. we'll hopefully find out the truth as to why he died, at the moment we don't know.
And the issue of whether he'd still be alive if he weren't a criminal is completely separate from the issue of whether his death was the result of possible criminal excess force. Even if you are a criminal you shouldn't be subject to being killed upon apprehension even if you are resisting. So his long criminal history is irrelevant to his death. It doesn't matter whether this was his first or 101st arrest. The only thing that is relevant is whether the police used excessive force. Unfortunately we still don't know exactly what happened so anyone jumping to an absolute conclusion is doing so based on their own existing bias.
I think what we are going to see is many criminals resisting arrest and looking to bait police into having to use excessive force in the hopes of getting their own story and becoming victims/celebrities. If that is the case, some are going to end up dead.
Those people don't care about the progress the peaceful protestors were doing; it's a shame - I guess the only way to make a statement in this world is to start chaos. People aren't getting answers, the major hasn't answered anything in regards to that man that was killed by the police in Baltimore. So many things are being hid from the people. If they gave those cops the green-light, innocent people would get killed as well as any potential gang-members that decide to pull out the 44 on those cops. I have to say the riots have been awful, but no one has died during them. The blood-shed needs to end - and the main thing here is everyone needs to see the light and understand why these riots, and protests are happening in the first place. Everyone is talking about the riots, but no one is talking about why they are happening. If they stop the killings of innocent unarmed people, they stop the rioting - but someone out there wants to see the world burn.
I agree with you- BOTH issues are HUGE and need to be discussed and corrected. we convict officers before knowing all the facts yet we celebrate the life of criminals.
why are "innocent unarmed people" continuing to run from the law? Maybe they aren't so innocent? I hate having to repeat myself here but please don't confuse the 2 issues. we need to clean up police brutality too but it's comical how people think these are random, innocent people that keep getting involved w/ police.
What statement was made? That they're a bunch of idiots for destroying there own community? A lot of these retards are crips and bloods who kill each other on a daily basis because they're wearing the wrong color. I'm sure most of them don't give a flying fuck about the deceased or his family.
Not everyone is running from the police Junc. Why was he killed Junc? C'mon man. Even if you have a record, you shouldn't have to fear your life. Take the guy down and arrest, no need for extra force.
I am talking about the PEACEFUL protests that occurred in that city for several weeks prior to the riots - none of that was shown on CNN, FOX News - anything about it was on the social network. To be honest, I didn't see any progress from the major, or the city to find answers in regards to the killings when those PEACEFUL protests happened. People got fed up and started rioting because they aren't getting answers, not saying it's right, but what is right nowadays? I also, agree those people destroying the city (delaying any progress) only want to watch it burn and prob don't give a shit about the guy that died. I do think deep down they care and this is the only way they know how to react. Which is sad.
Peaceful protests are made every day about many different things. Just because they aren't big news stories doesn't mean they aren't effective.