man! check out the first couple mins of this interview! that is the type of confidence I want. reminds me of a non-domestic abusing Dez Bryant personality. I would love for someone on this roster to talk smack and back it up. especially against NE.
All these guys sound great on tv. Just because a guy has a good interview doesn't make him a proven sure thing. I'm skeptical.
im only talking about his personality, the numbers and stats speak for themselves, and im not going to pretend to be an NFL scout ...however his personality and competitiveness is clearly on display here and its awesome.
Id be happy with either (assuming a QB and leonard/fowler are unavailable) but all things on the field being equal Id rather have white.
I see more fire in White. He gets up and screams and gets all fired up after big plays. He also has more spectacular play potential than Cooper and better hands. He's a lot like Odell in those regards. That said, Cooper has much more experience running the route tree and is probably more "pro ready". But honestly I love both players and wouldn't complain even remotely with either.
Lol. For what it's worth, I think White is going to be a much more explosive productive player than Cooper. Cooper is going to be very very good for about 12 years. Whites going to be dynamite. _
I wish the best for all my mountaineers! Kevin White is going to be an ANIMAL for whatever team he goes to... I'd be all for it even over Cooper if we hadn't picked up Marshall.. but since we did i want Amari Cooper. Amari can play the slot role for sure and after watching K.White in college he's clearly better suited to stay on the outside. Cooper can play outside too but if we got him he would be our slot guy untilk Marshall goes. Decker and Marshall on the outside with Cooper, Kerley, and Jace playing the middle... lovely.
With marshalls age I wouldnt make any long term decisions based on him being on the team, I would take whoever is better overall
Kevin White is my #1 pick. I don't see Fowler or the QB's lasting to us and I pray we don't reach for someone when one of White/Cooper should be available.
i mean i understand but... what would we do if we grabbed Kevin White? like how would we use him THIS year?
if you dont end up using him much then so be it, I mean I assume he can be implemented, esepcially if there is an injury.. but when you have a record like the jets did you tak BPA...
If you check out Brandon Marshall the last couple years he's did a lot of his damage from the slot. Decker, Marshall, and White would all play.. A lot.
Right. You get good players, impact players. A blue chipper. WR/QB is where we're goin' I'm startin' to think. If we stay at 6. White has that explosiveness. Pass rusher in rd. 2.
It's tough to compare White to Cooper. White is Julio Jones 2.0! White is a bit faster and Julio is a bit better athletically. Both are a big, fast, home run hitters that can use speed or beat you with his size and strength back shoulder. Cooper is Antonio Brown 2.0! Cooper is a bit bigger and Brown is a bit quicker. Both are excellent rout runners, can line up on the outside or slot and both have great YAC skills. My point is both are excellent prospects but both are a different style of player. If I had to choose between Antonio or Julio it would be very difficult.
He's wrong. I mean I'm sure when teams played West Virginia they put a priority on stopping him but he's wrong about Cooper. This past year Cooper didn't have anyone around him either. Teams threw everything at stopping Cooper and they were unsuccessful. Cooper was everything for Alabama offensively in 2014. And the fact that he stayed in one position on the field while Cooper moved around everywhere to try and create mismatches... that's supposed to be a knock on Cooper or point to highlight White's success????? A WR they can be moved around is a good thing! White stayed outside on one side and undoubtedly allowed himself to be double teamed that way- sure- but Cooper was double teamed everywhere he played and showed the versatility to play everywhere. To me that's what sets Cooper apart from him. His versatility. Along with his production which was for a longer period of time and against tougher defenses.
this is a good post. Yes those are good comparisons for the types of receivers they are. To answer your question I'd rather have an Antonio Brown-type myself
Cooper will come in and contribute day 1 and he has the upside that would make him a potential 100 catch receiver. Even though, Cooper wasn't asked to return punts because of his workload at Alabama, he is fully capable of doing so. Kevin White, he may take some time to accumulate to the NFL level.
If the Jets were in the position to need a WR that is polished enough to step right in and produce 100 catches immediately I would be all over Coop over White but they have 3 polished receivers that can play and do have the luxury of letting White take a season rotating to get his feet under him in the NFL game But hey if that is the case I'm almost more comfortable with them taking a pass rusher at 6 and taking DGB in the second over both of them