The flaw in that logic is that the sides of a coin are different - one says "In God We Trust". Now, if it only said which god...
Everything I know about the Boer War I gleaned from the movies Breaker Morant and The Proposition. Does that count? _
I form my opinions of strategy without resorting to agenda driven articles or replayed talking points from hack writers and scouts who were not even good enough to stay employed in her majesties royal guard, I watched every engagement of that war with my own eyes. Concealed entrenchment is a bonefide top ten tactic.
Check out Breaker Morant Good movie about an incident during the Boer War. Also, check out The Beast. Good war movie set in Afghanistan during the war with Russia.
Okay, I'll do that. I just looked it up...Looks good. I like indie's and offbeat films. While we're at it talkin' Australian, check out Mystery Road. It's a whodunit, I really liked it.
No, my views on the meaning of life and our roles in it are not opinions, they are based on historical facts, and a whole lot of evidence human beings have accumulated over the past 2000 years. And they are shared by billions of people around the world.
How many of FSU's defensive players will make it to the NFL? And of those, how many will start for an NFL team? How many of FSU's coaches have any NFL coaching experience? What kind of defense does FSU run? Is it similar to what Mariota will face in the NFL? How about the overall speed of the college game versus the NFL? ..... your simplistic and naive statement ignores so many important factors. That's why NFL organizations spend big bucks on large, sophisticated scouting departments. It's not as simple as just watching college games.
Have a little humility, Dude. Saying you know what happened 2000 years ago based on some writings from a hundred or more years later in a language that no longer exists, since translated and reworked a dozen times doesn't stand as a "fact" in any laboratory, classroom or courthouse in the world. My opinion is you're all wet. You're entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts.
FSU will likely have the most guys drafted this year out of any school. They got 4 guys that can potentially start as rookies, 2 of which are CBs.