I am a very free willed person, never one to follow someone else's lead, never one to follow suit to per pressure and always looking to make my own determinations and path. I read scouting reports, mock drafts, etc... They can help you to formulate a better understanding of specific prospects but they are also extremely unreliable if you don't formulate your own opinion on said prospect before or after reading these type of things. I am strong in my beliefs, I am a man of faith as well. Not because I was told to be but because I choose to be. I do not believe you have a credible voice unless you choose to do your homework, until you decide to put in the work and come to your own determination. I think that applies to more than just football, college prospects, that's just a wise practice for life in general. Don't be a puppet, be your own.
Am I incorrect in thinking "real scouts" don't share their analysis with the general public but owe confidentiality to those who pay for their opinions?
There's plenty of scouts out there that were employed in the NFL but are part of the media now. There's no way a teams scout is releasing their info...unless it's leaked somehow.
So, they're not scouts at all are they? They may be former scouts because they were no good at being scouts, how do we know who to pay attention to and who to ignore?
Well, I listen to people that were in the NFL and/or College for starters. Players, coaches, GM's and scouts. Doesn't mean they're not any good if they're not in the league anymore. What they have to say has far more value, for me, than the Kipers of the world who never had their ass on the line making these calls. I pretty much ignore media nerds like Mehta. But with ESPN with guys like Kiper and McShay i'll listen but never take what they say as Gospel...especially Kiper. Also, almost everybody's looking for attention. It's a tough thing to decipher. I'll like to watch all the events leading up to draft, Sr. Bowl, Combine, etc., individual interviews, see what info is being put out there by the media, and form my own opinion
Attention posters: when posting in this "he said/they said" thread don't forgot to include your list of resources in the bibliography page.
You probably shouldn't listen to real scouts then either. Pretty sure it doesn't pay a whole lot, so you're probably not getting the best talent. And anyone that's any good moves up beyond "scout".
First of all, thank you for continuing to include barbs mocking my religion, because you are helping me learn to "turn the other cheek" and to "love my enemies" as Jesus taught. So far, I have been a terrible example of my Faith on here, so I need to work on that; I am much too quick to retaliate when attacked. So you are helping me to work on that part of my personality so that I can become a better person. As for your criticism of my citing articles instead of watching college games.....if I read an article for Mariota, and one against him, and then after analyzing the pros and cons come to a decision about how I think he will do in the pros, what's wrong with that? Isn't that what we do when we research any topic online?
Do you "believe" that George Washington was the 1st President of the U.S.? Do you "believe" that Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity? Do you know what the theory of relativity is? How do you know that? Did you ever do experiments confirming it yourself? Do you know anything about your great grandparents? How do you know those things, you were not alive back then? You have been told what to believe about many things that you claim to know yourself, yet you mock Christians for believing things that are based on actual historical events, just because they themselves were not alive at the time of Jesus. Talk about hypocritical!
so in order to have an opinion on how QB prospects will pan out we have to cite experts, have evidence (that doesn't really exist) to back up projections, and base our opinions on "credible" scholarly analysis... on a message board. but to have an opinion on the meaning of life and our roles in it? we can just "believe"
I find the funniest part about this is how Jesus Freak keeps throwing out the monumentally ridiculous red herrings regarding--on the one hand--an astute football fan's ability to look at a prospect and understand what we are seeing to--on the other hand--Einstein's Theory of Relativity, String Theorem, the Greek Language, military strategies used during the Boer War and Aristotle's Top Ten list. _
This should be shut down strictly so we don't get into a religious debate when talking about scouting college football players. That to me goes for both sides of the coin here. Religion has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.
Shut the fudge up you nonbeliever, military strategy of the Boer war is my favorite subject of conversation ever don't you dare belittle the significance of concealed entrenchment and guerrilla warfare!
whoa before you can make a statement like that you better back it up with evidence or citation of what the real military historians think about that