...I'm just curious, what "views on life" are you referring to? Because everything I believe in and base my life around is supported by mountains of evidence, eyewitness accounts, scientific study, etc, accumulated knowledge and wisdom passed down through the ages. Whereas your views on life seem to be based on nothing but your own narrow-minded opinions and personal biases based on the tiny sample size of your own life experiences. I could offer you tons of rock-solid evidence to support my world views, can you say the same about yours?
Oh shit! I'll go for a duel for beheading to land a fuckn QB...Maybe Winston will drop with the rape accusation and all At any rate... MM ain't goin' where GeNo went.... no fucking how. I ain't ascared
Well Winston's accuser is filing her civil suit so maybe Winston falls to us. I'd prefer MM but Winston would be one hell of a consolation prize. _
I'm not talking about the Bible......and LOL did you just call it a "novel"?! It's a written record of history passed down by word of mouth, that's how it was done in the days before the printing press (and compiled by numerous people, more like an encyclopedia than a book). It was actually Monks in the Church that started writing things down in books, and the Catholic Church that started the whole idea of education for the common citizen (prior to that it was only for the elite, for nobility). If it wasn't for the Church there would be no schools or universities today. And I'm talking about a lot more evidence and facts than just what was recorded in the Bible. But you will ignorantly dismiss all that and close your mind for fear of learning something you don't like, something that might actually make you have to think more deeply about your life. It's sad really, but I'm guessing you are still young enough that you have plenty of time to find your way in this life.
Man you have been brainwashed. Opiate of the masses, and this is coming from a Roman Catholic God fearing man. Make your own choices, decisions. Hopefully you're still young enough to do that. _
You are clueless. And in the minority too, my friend. Some day you will come to realize that all of the really smart, intelligent people who have freely chosen the life-enhancing benefits of Religion are right.