ESPN reporter Britt McHenry suspended for abusive and demeaning behavior towards a parking establishment clerk. Pretty woman acting pretty ugly: From Then some pious douchebag from the Washington Post uses the incident as an opportunity to make sweeping, cynical assumptions about we the unwashed masses with a 'teaching moment' lecture:
I agree with her 100 percent. Not because shes hot either.....we've all had to deal with the predatory towing companies. One time it happened to me I was sooooo pissed they tried charging me 300 for one day. I told the guy, look my uncle is coming with his truck you can either release the car to him, or his crew will come take it by force. Guy gave me back my car. Fucking assholes
These towing companies are assholes. Her reaction was bad and makes her look like a terrible person, maybe she even is who knows, but she shouldn't be suspended for that. We all get pissed off and rant from time to time.
Oh it was a towing company? yea fuck it totally justified. I've had to deal with these fucks in Queens...fucking Dickheads
Towing companies are dbags yes, but that woman clerk didn't tow her car away. Further, even while being insulted the clerk showed a tad of consideration by reminding the "I'm on TV" star that she was in front of a camera. While I'd drink her bathwater, McHenry showed her true colors - there are other ways to go about it besides putting down the 'little person' in such a cruel, base fashion. Missing teeth? The woman probably can't afford it. Total 'c' move by McHenry imho who came out as the lo-rent person here.
As soon as you get on TV you own the world and gives you the right to step on someone? Can all women be this catty and insecure? Towing companies are thieves but what does a garage clerk have to do with it? Clerks must get cussed at all the time and are probably told not to get into it with customers. If she did then she is wrong too. This society is loosing its boundaries in terms of respect for each other.
Having worked in both media and sports I've seen how it works too, let's be honest. McHenry didn't get to where she was because she is a genius. She got to where she was because she is hot. The days of female sports personalities looking like Robin Roberts and Linda Cohen are over, I'm just guessing Doris Burke and Jackie McMullen have naked pictures of people. And yes towing companies are bullshit, I got stuck paying 300 bucks back in September because I parked my car in a strip mall, went into a music store (who knew they still existed) then walked across the street to another mall and I didn't see the nice small hidden sign that says "parking for customers only" in more even smaller print it stated if you left the premises even if you were a customer your car would be towed. The tow truck sits behind a 7-11 next door and they have someone who sits and watches video and as soon as you bounce your car is towed. I was gone 10 minutes and I came back and my car was gone.
Wow, Barry, that is some bullshit. As for Britt, she is smoking hot, but comes off as a bitch even on tv. No big deal. Many hot blondes are bitches. You could argue it is not even her fault, with how she has been treated her whole life. Haha.
I just assumed my car had been towed so I looked and found a sign with the number, before I found it I popped into a Middle Eastern place and asked if they knew anything, guys were like we don't give a shit who parks here, we would never call. They said it's a good way to lose business. The strip mall was rotting away so I guess they run this scam to cover the bills since most of the stores are vacant.
Yea ive ben victim to that scam in astoria, queens. You step out of the parking lot for one second and they tow your car, so fuck tjose pieces of human garbage. She has every right to get mad. I dont care if youre a saint, you associate yourself with those scumbags youre going to gwt an earful from most people.
I guess I am old school. Pretty, smart, and CLASSY have always been my thing with a woman. All you guys want to bag her but wait to you get grocery list wrong you will have hell to pay with that temper lol.
I'm not so sure about that....looks and acts like a strap on type and used to dudes Kowtowing to her ass. I got towed and the idiot bastard broke my motor mounts. Didn't realize it 'til a long trip weeks later when I hit bump on shore pkwy on L.I.. I still bristle over it. The skank fuck in the booth at the tow yard was behind fortifications a fckn bomb wouldn't of got too. Some piece of shit followed me when I went into the yard to get my car....bunch of fuckin criminals
Well, the one time I dealt with a towing company was awesome. The guy could tell I blaze, and he ended up smoking me up on the ride back home. Was totally ripped! Then again I had triple-a. Also, different cicumstances I understand, my car broke down at school so I called them to come get me. Regardless, will always be a great story I'll remember regarding tow trucks. I've never had to deal with someone unexpectedly and somewhat maliciously towing my car while I was unsuspecting. However, how you deal with situations like that are a good indication of character, and hers is piss-poor. I wouldn't even mind her getting mad at the clerk, but using her social status and education etc to demean her, shines light on what type of person she is.
Also, I know this isn't gonna go over well, but I don't think she is terribly hot. Not really into barbie doll looking women, and any consideration of banging her went right out the window with that shitty attitude. Call me crazy but piss-poor personalities turn me off.