Did you read the article? Winston' s attorney has given the league a fair warning. Winston may change but I don't trust him, he's like the serial killer that lives next door except he has already been accused of murder multiple times. He's extremely narcissistic, golden smile, polite and has an alluring personality. Putting millions of dollars in his hands may be an epic admission by the league that wins means more than morality in the NFL. Yes, forgiveness and second chances should be given, but a message must be sent, to him all the way down to the players in pop Warner on the flag level. Pro sports is a privilege, ill behavior off the field will not be tolerated!
I think the comment was kind of taken out of context but it was almost as big a shocker as AH's lawyer saying he witnessed the murder. Look I can't stand Jameis and think he got away with a rape. Plus he's made statements himself saying he regrets things in his past but it's not possible to go back and change them. Now what did he mean by that. I hope the Jets don't draft him but your comparing him to a serial killer is way too strong. A rapist is bad enough. Some fans don't give a shit. They only care about getting to a Super Bowl before they die and would love to draft Winston. Fuck if AH beats the rap they'll want to sign him, too.
Here it is: From ESPN: http://espn.go.com/nfl/draft2015/st...ays-jameis-winston-not-ready-nfl-player-field From NFL.com: Jameis Winston's attorney, David Cornwell, seems to have the same general opinion of the quarterback as everyone else: He is ready to be a player on the field but has some growing up to do off the field. Cornwell spoke at the Villanova Sports Symposium on Friday and was asked about Winston. "He's ready to be an NFL player on the field. But he's not ready to be an NFL player off the field," Cornwell said, perBuzzFeed's Joel D. Anderson. Anderson tweeted that he had talked with Cornwell after his portion of the event and that Cornwell said Winston has some growing up to do, not that he's unprepared for the NFL. Later on Friday, Cornwell took to Twitter, writing Winston will be "fine" and "I bet Jameis is more ready than most." During his talk, Cornwell also said, "We have to assist him in growing and developing as a man. And it's not going to be easy." ยป Mayock explains why he ranks Mariota ahead of Winston In addition, Cornwell said it was Winston's idea to meet with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell last month. "(Winston) has an incredible self-awareness," Cornwell said. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers own the No. 1 overall pick in the draft, and seem likely to take Winston. Florida edge rusher Dante Fowler, Jr., is visiting with the Bucs on Friday, and he told the Tampa Bay Times, "They're going with a quarterback. ... They know where they're going. I understand that." Cornwell also used his time at the symposium to excoriate the media for its coverage of Winston, saying the media had "only reported half the story" in regards to the Winston sexual-assault allegations and that "journalism is dead in sports media." That Cornwell would rip the media is not surprising in the least; that he would admit that Winston needs to grow up is surprising, though. Cornwell has been a staunch Winston defender, and for him to admit Winston has any flaws is interesting. Mike Huguenin can be reached at mike.huguenin@nfl.com. You also can follow him on Twitter@MikeHuguenin.
The comparison to the serial killer is that they both have the ability to mask who and What they really are. They can be the greatest neighbor, soccer coach and employee of the month. You would never suspect that they have committed such atrocities. I recently saw a movie about the Iceman, blew my mind how he was able to live such a common life while he was killing so many people. I think when Winston gets his hands on that money his true colors will come out. Hope I'm wrong. Kids do make mistakes, but he should have to feel the effects of his wayward ways by dropping to a later round. In fact it should be an nfl mandate for all college players who get in trouble. I'm sure it would help them make better decisions.
Thanks for the link joe. Wow about the lawyer's comments. I wonder if this will change Tampa's strategy.
He basically said all 21 year olds are too immature to handle the pressures of the NFL. And I'm sure he's right about that. But it doesn't give his client a pass for rape which is a serious crime and not just some boyhood indisgression. But stats on rapes on campuses are alarming.
Holy hyperbole. EVERYONE has the ability to mask who and what they really are to a certain extent. Everyone has pieces of their persona that they don't want to share with family or friends or teir community. Serial murder? You could have just as easily compared him to a gay athlete or a closet hoarder or a serial masturbater or having a doll fetish. Serial murder? Ooofa. _
Lol at his lawyer saying he's ready to be an NFL player on the field. Hard hitting analysis from a high ranking scout.
Rumor's of a 2nd rape accusation on the horizon, if it breaks before the draft his stock will plummet.
Are you sure? Seems as if morality and living within the laws of the land means very little to many of these posters.
Due process, innocent until proven guilty, rabble rabble rabble. Admit it, you have doubts, and your doubts are more important than the laws of men.
Wow. "Journalism is dead in sports media." First time in my entire life a lawyer told the truth while trying to lie.
Idk I think when Aaron Hernandez lawyer was lying about his client just witnessing the murder of Odin Lloyd he inadvertently told the truth about him being at the scene of the murder
If I was GM he wouldn't be on my board. I would rather be guilty of the omission than guilty of the commission...Just too much risk with this guy. As far as the other QB, it's the opposite. I think I would take him at 6 and not worry about the bust potential. Watching both players in a couple of TV sit downs gave me a couple of things. Winston is a bit scary as it seems u cannot tell what's in his mind, regardless of the topic being discussed. I wonder how that is when in person. Mariota is totally different - he is a thinker but on topic. That actually may be a slight negative at QB as he will surely think too much out there in the beginning. Sorry for the digression from the topic but whatever.
We've been saddled with QBs that can't think their way out of a paper bag since Favre was here. I'll take a thinker like mariotta as a change of pace over the brainless wonders that have been leading this team any day. I do see your point about it hurting him early tho. How he can over think stuff in the beginning and get himself in trouble. In the long run tho I'll take a thinker no questions asked. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk