Well duh that's a question that is incredibly stacked in the favor of one direction. What do you think my answer is? That question is like asking me hypothetically if I want a steak dinner with no sex afterwards or a steak dinner with lots of sex afterwards... Hmm that's a tough call
I'd agree with you. Hopefully even if this training results in no tangible improvement in his gameplay, just the fact that he went through it with a guy like House who worked with so many of the greats could serve to make him less nervous and more confident. We can hope, especially if Mariota isn't there at 6.
Sorry, it's just sometimes I get the feeling that people think a great GM is the guy that drafts a bunch of pro-bowlers as opposed to the guy that constructs a competitive championship caliber roster. The latter may or not include a bunch of Pro-bowlers. I always harken back to the Chiefs' team from a couple years ago that won just 2 games while having 6-7 guys make the Pro-bowl.
I explained it twice already ,Hating on someone to me means your jealous of them in some way,just saying you hate someone means you dislike them.Its hard to explain this to old men but I'm trying
I don't know, sometimes I'm a little stuffed after a steak dinner. Sex BEFORE a steak dinner is the real choice. _
Heh! Brings back a fond memory. When I was still living in the city I had a girl come visit me and sex was first on my menu, but she had never been to the Homestead restaurant and insisted we go there, in fact she wanted to go the first night of the weekend. So we're in my apartment and I'm thinking hey let's do it now BEFORE dinner, because why eat a whole steak and the rest before coming back here to screw. But she insisted we go to the Homestead first, and I'm thinking okay, but... She wore this bright yellow dress with no underpants or bra, and I'm walking down the street with all these guys oogling her, a major hard on going, and man it was taking away from what would otherwise have been my looking forward to a great meal. Which we did have, but still. I recall she even had desert, meaning we did not rush dinner. It's what she wanted. To cut to the chase we got back and that steak in my gut did not get in the way, but still, I think I would have enjoyed the meal more if we'd f'ed before we went there. Thanks for making me remember that one.
So you're asking if we should pick a Steve Beuerlein, Gus Ferotte, Tommy Maddox type or a Tim Brown, Steve Largent, Charrley Hennigan, Andre Johnson type? Geez. I'd say you're better off DRAFTING a top flight WR. Largely because a team that drafts a C+ or B- quarterback won't know for certain that he he will only be an average guy until 3 or 4 years after the draft. It might well put them out of the running for a top flight QB for 6 or 8 years. On the other hand, a good GM could use that time to build a great team, setting the table for a young QB to be successful. An average QB could make the team competitive enough that a GM and Coaching Staff stay in place long enough to actually do something like that. A hotshot WR on a weak team generally holds all the cards at the negotiating table, and that generally helps keep bad teams bad.
Whoah, you took the way back machine with those comparisons. I'm talking more about the current crop of young middle of the pack QBs like Tannehill, Newton, Stafford…etc. Do you draft that guy or a sure fire stud WR?
So are we talking like Dalton vs Calvin Johnson? I cant think of many who would say Dalton. Although top 15 might be a stretch for him.
I guess you never read "Portnoy' Complaint". There was a billboard involved in that as well...if I remember correctly.
Dating has certainly changed from when I was on the hunt to now that I'm back in a relationship. So much less work, less titillation but so much more satisfying. Not Joe King. _
I remember my mother read that book but put it in a brown paper bag book cover. Puritanical, couldn't reveal what she was reading. _