Didn't even realize we had this thread on here,I fish by boat and Ive been a surfcaster for over 12 years ,been killing stripers in the surf to 26 pounds all week.I'm also a plug builder I go by Surf Warrior Lures you can look me up on google you should be able to find some pictures of stuff I've built,some how this thread has gone unoticed to me .Dropped my personal best striper yesterday it was easily over 40 pounds on a popper I built devastating to say the least
Welcome to the thread LIB. As you can see, we all love our fishin around here. I'll hopefully will have some nice pics after tomorrow's trip.
That's awesome! btw, a friend just picked up a 28' Whitewater....... ole stinky's back in the offshore game this winter
Tautog (Blackfish) season starts on Sunday! I'll be at Cabelas on Saturday loading up on lead. Quick question to you bottom bouncing Tog guys out there. Bank sinkers or the flatties?
Went offshore to the Ledge on sunday (5o nm out) intending to slay some big wahoo Pretty slow. 2 dolphin, then grabbed a handful of bottom fish (I did catch a HOSS trigger) so we wouldnt come home empty handed after splitting the fuel bill for a 42' sportfish Weather was great, company was good & beer was cold, so good times regardless
Water temps in the NY Bight averaging 38F. Long way to the magic 50F which usually kicks off the spring Fishing season. Be patient guys. Our time will come...!
ha, it's even 56 off the beach in St. Augustine, so inshore fishing is a slow-go unless you can fish the inshore mudflats and oysters on a mid-day low tide when they're concentrated warming up in the sunny shallows. My buddy who's an inshore guide/captain had some charters slay the reds though, but he's a legit pro. I've heard the wahoo and blackfin tuna bite has been good offshore, as well as seabass nearshore but weather's been spotty at best to run 50 miles offshore (plus the fuel $$) My hands havent smelled like stinkyBait in awhile. but spring will be a fish-on fury Plus side of stormy seas is some surf....... ole stinky got some 2 weeks ago...without leaving FL: I may be 40 but I'm still hanging with the young bucks..... albeit a little slower to get out of bed the next morning btw, this swell was a product of the storm that snowed/froze you guys out... thanks GO JETS
Water temps still in the mid 30's off Atlantic City so it appears I have a few more weeks to wait. Late winter means a late start to the 2015 season. Looks so far like the 2014 size and bag limts remain in place which is good. Still not good enough to do much Fluking. 18" fish just aren't around in any numbers that make it worthwhile to go. They did increase the bag limits on Stripers to 2 but the second fish has to be a giant. 28-42" for the first fish. 42"min for the second. Good luck to all you surfcasters and kayakers trying to meet those numbers.
ooof...... that's FUCKING COLD! one 42" Striper and you're set anyway btw, our surf temp just climbed above 60 for good, so the bite should be on...... buddy caught a cooler full of whiting surf fishing yest.... it filled up the space that the beers were in.
Well, thanks to FlaJetFan and CBG, its snowing AGAIN here in the Mid Atlantic. You guys are absolutely KILLING ME!!! Water temps off Atlantic city stand at 41F. 38F off Sandy Hook. In case any of you dippers would like to know what the water temps inshore are, here's the link: http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/dsdt/cwtg/catl_tmap.html Site covers all of North America and Hawaii. Patience my friends.. It will get warm again..
I took my Kayak out yest. afternoon and caught 1 small redfish..... but I jinxed the watertemp. 2 days of offshore winds and airtemps in the 40s, it dipped below 60 again
Water temps at 46F off Atlantic City. Looking like a week or two before Mother Nature rings the bell on the 2015 fishing season up here.
took the yak out on friday for a few hours (was NOT feelin work at all ). Thought fishing would be on fire before the fullmoon. Brought home 1 flounder. Fish tacos for dinner last night A week of nice weather and steady east winds have helped....WT is approaching 70. Pompano should be in the surf soon
Lucky You.. Water temps off Atlantic City still holding at 45F. 39F in the New York Bight. 50F off Montauk. Warm enough for Cod but that's about it.
Took the kayak out for lowtide this morning..... had intentions of being on the water at sunrise to toss topwaters were slowed by slight case of brown bottle flu got out at 8, and paddled to a different spot (closer to the house) and found a bar that looked good. First cast with a white Berkley powerbait paddle tail...... fish On!.... turned out to be a 17" red (1 inch short of slot) Thought he'd be bigger as he fought big for his size...plus it was in under 2' of water which is always fun Off to a good start, but unfortunately downhill from there. That's was the Only fish. Spooked a couple I didnt see in the cloudy water..... until Paddled right over em came in 3 hrs later as the weather got shitty, and hangover was catching up. Still fun
Check these crazy guys in central FL: cobes havent really made it here in numbers yet..... WT keeps fluctuating so they're staying south, and geting whacked by guys like these
Bunker showing up in the bays and harbors in NY. Some schoolie Bass activity starting up too. Spring has sprung locally, but is still a little temperamental. I'll be at it soon with the arrival of thicker Bunker schools...maybe after this moon. Always love when the Choppers show up too; two, three weeks if the tuff winter didn't throw that off